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don't you hate how some things grow on you, little by little and other things just die away? its good in some ways, bad in others. this applies for almost everything, people included but sometimes theres people you just dont like from the start, and they can neither grow nor die at all. for example, i have a couple of friends, well quite a few actually that would talk with me, act friendly and all, be actually friendly, back me up on things like a good friend should but than turn around and they're going out to places not just little things and don't even invite me out? its not like im confined home or anything, i do go out too. but still, that sort of shits painful.
when talking about things with other people you can break it down, theres things you can talk about with anyone, things you can talk about with friends, things you can talk about with people you just meet, things you can talk about guy to guy etc. you just need to judge that.
i had the best day yesterday, and the night before. met some awesome people and had the time of my life ~ haha. :D took me ages to get back home though, its not fun waiting on the station for ages without anything to do esp when your phones dead, cant even text!
hoping the rest of my holidays is as fun, but probably won't be, not doing too much. x) on to year 12 !
this just made me laugh, yao ming at the end says 'don't fuck with me' LOL. OMG HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHHAHAHA. its yao ming. (Y)