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Archive for August 2010

cameron woke up this morning and thought 'i really should blog about something more interesting than 5.2k+ word recounts on what i did, nobody really pays attention to that sort of stuff. they wouldn't even bother reading it they'd go , why the hell did this guy write so much! :L'
haha, i also woke up and thought that 'i should try to brighten up my blog with more colours in my texts, maybe more picture breaks that sort of stuff yeah, big blocks of text need too much imagination!' but that wasn't really what i thought when i woke up, i was thinking 'why do i have to get up , urghhh.' :L haha. did that help at all? not really. hehh. and theres nothing wrong with pink, don't hate on it.
than i thought about brainstorming what i should write about and i think i'll write about a few things, making up for all my blogposts inbetween i missed. :D
cameron's brainstorm list:
- likes/dislikes
- dreams/reality
- music?
thought maybe i should do a poll about whether i should stop using all these emoticons in the middle of my blog, whether i should try to layout it more a bit etc etc. but i realised i don't know how to poll. so i asked my good friend google. :D
likes and dislikes
thought i should split this up into a couple of subheadings. (: gosh the word like looks strange. i'll write it in japanese.about myself
its hard when thinking about what you like about yourself, takes a little time to think about it, you don't want to sound modest, or cocky etc. but i'm just going to go straight out brutally honest for this part. (:
- im not too tall, but im not too short. despite people who might say your a giant, blah blah, i think my heights fairly good and i'm not growing so i'm happy about that
- my hair can look alright on occasion but its more of a personal opinion
- im better off than most people in terms of everything overall
- got nothing about my personality, thats for others to decide.
- because im white i'm hairier than asians, and my hair freaking gets too wavy, i seriously dislike curly hair, it can get extremely bad especially on the sides for me, wish i just had nice asian hair like lee jun ki.
- my skins really not very nice, it gets pasty at times, and it has quite a few freckles. i guess i have less pimples than most people but its still not very nice.
- my left toenail chipped on something ages ago and it won't grow back normally! haha, its not that bad though.
- my smile, my smile can get really really bad, honestly, i don't know why people don't just go stop smiling cameron, although my teeth are straighter because of braces, its still a disgusting smile, can look really bad and my dimple doesn't help at all.
- when i say silly things repetitively, like repeating things like yeah it was. it is. i am. or.. urgh. my friend pointed me out to that, when people point you out to things you realise you do it instead of doing it unconsciously, for example say you say 'its cold' i'd say something stupid like yeah, its cold. totally useless!
- im totally shy, i'm trying to get out of it, talking to more people trying to speak more confidently, i never really admit this but i am shy around girls now. sometimes even guys. its just new people im not that good with them, people sometimes say im loud at school etc, but thats school okay, they're people i feel i can understand even though i don't like my school and would much rather go to a smart asian co-ed like ruse, its what happened, and look how i turned out, hell lot better than before though.
- i am indecisive. get it into your head. (:
- saying stupid things like when someone hits my abs, ouch my six pack. haha, would be so much better if it was true.
- i cant even dance either. :|
- little parts of my personality i just don't like, little things that after it happens i regret it almost instantly, but i guess i got to thank that i have the brain capacity to be able to realise i was wrong
- being around asian people, they make me feel more comfortable, give me that sense of ease that i don't get from most white people. they're also significantly more attractive to me, in terms of girl. maybe i'll write something on that at the end of the post.
- being able to go onto the computer, escaping from all the little troubles that i've built up over the day, forget about them and go to sleep and start afresh.
- basketball, all aspects of basketball i don't know, ever since year 7 it kept me going, at one stage when my other friends quite i wondered whether i should continue playing, but i made the right choice although i'll never be great, i've faced that and its just for enjoyable. i get excited watching nba players do amazing things, it gives me that elevated feeling inside that i can't get from other things just like that, its one of those things thats always there for me, apart from the stupid nba youtube channel says video not available in your country and than i go to worldwide and it goes to the page and says video not available. :L fat lot of help you did stupid youtube, anyways, it involves lots of my goals, in camp when i could dunk on that ring unlike anyone else around me it made me happy, i like being better than other people at something i love, its human nature. (:
- being able to make people smile, brighten up their day, because everyday actually does count, no matter how remote it may be, one thing you say to someone can make their day, if i can make someone smile genuinely just for a moment, than it just gives me satisfaction. honestly, i don't want to go help little black children in africa smile, that wouldn't give me the same satisfaction, have to be honest there, its a whole new world out there.
- looking up at the sky. when i was at the snow it was amazing, the clouds went by so fast in the wind, we were in the cloud and when it cleared in little patches you could see the full moon shining through its one of the prettiest things ive seen all year. other things like milford sound in new zealand those outstandingly pretty things just make me happy, maybe i should change this from like to what makes me happy and dislike to what annoys me, haha but they're pretty much the same thing.
- being able to lie down after an exhausting day, perhaps watch a little bit of tv, or just drop off to sleep
- watching drama/anime, i don't care what you think, oh boys can't do this, its not manly blah blah blah, no. feminists keep on blabbing about their rights, oh we're not only in the kitchen, blah blah blah, well we're not only your perception of manly, i shall do this and i shall do it and be happy about it. sometimes a good episode can bring that little bit of happiness into my day, give me that genuine smile :D its one of those things which make me happy, like when my hairs nice it makes me happy.
- you. kidding, haha. i might like you to a certain extent, but depends who you are, if you bothered to read this, than i'd probably like you. (:
- that tingling happy sensation that runs through your body when something happens.
- being able to smile properly, laugh properly and have a good day with any sort of people whether others think they're cool or not, i just want to have fun.
- my family! although they can be bad at times, each and every one of them can make me smile, they're there for me even when ive been terrible, or great. although i can't say the same for anyone outside of the people which live in my house, others care, mainly grandparents.
- music, it can give me that warm tingly sensation, although i can't sing at all, should really have put this in dislikes about myself but makes me happy when i sing a song in another language even if i have to read lyrics and i can't sing. just by myself is fine. :D im starting to use emoticons ahead - bounces head around. haha.
- people who can make me smile just hearing them say something, even over msn, or just by seeing their face, even by a picture.
- nice earrings
- playing pranks on people, like at camp if you bothered to read the one below. :L haha, watching them scared just made my day
- people to talk to, people i can say things to, people who want to play with me, people who would help me, people who invite me out to things, people who actually care about me as a person.
should move onto dislikes, i probably have a few more but should stop there and my brain can't think of that many things. oh when i say people, its more the notions rather than the actual person who says it, that of course varies!

- people which think that basketball skills is related to throwing rubbish into to bin.
- this list really could go on forever
- when i put in my retainer and it hurts and i wake up in the morning and i wake up in the
morning feeling like p. diddy. LOL kidding, nah it just feels whacky or when i get ulcers thats even worse ahhh! - when my hairs not nice ): it just ruins my day seriously.
- being judged, ignored, barred by others, its alright to have your opinion about someone, and everyone can be hypocritical even me, some of these things i say i would most likely have done, but realise <-- thats the key word, that no. just no. sometimes im not easy to follow but thats just how i am okay.
- people who overthink about themselves, and tell other people about it. its good to be selfconscious but don't get overselfconscious. im telling this to myself too. if somebody thinks you look fine, than your fine in their eyes. don't overworry about it, once i made up my mind about someone, something, nothing can surprise me. i know your bad points, your good points, don't overwork it. i can imagine you already in your worst points, and best points. my brain works fast like that. not everyones like me though. :x thats the problem cameron.
- tripping over or kicking something and rolling over in extreme pain.
- overuse of stupid phrases, in real life and on msn, and certain phrases, and yes i am aware i use than instead of then get used to it, ive realised it and change it sometimes but than sounds better, uhh. i forgot some phrases i dont like extreme use of dots ................ or uhh.
yeah, things like that. i had a talk with someone about phrases i didn't like but i chose to forget most things about them at a time so i can't remember it. if someone typed it it would pop back into my mind. :D - i could go back and write negatives about all the things i like, but thats quite pointless.
- girls who dress up in the strangest things, put on make up and it makes them look worse, do their hair in strange ways, dolling up isn't nice.
- generalisations that halfys are hot, ive said it before and i'll say it again, no. just no. i'll give it to you that some are quite good looking, but its just not in general. you can't generalise about those things, and if you like somebody because of it thats just worse. D: no gene pool, we're not in some stupid invention of lying world. haha. thats all ill go or ill go into a rant.
- greece/turkey, and other bad experiences.
- you. bahha, alright i'll stop.
- viruses which kill my beautiful computer.
i really could go on for ages, but if you care about something i guess thats what formspring is for. (:
my grandpa on my mums side (asian) was talking to me today and he say 'cameron you have the small eyes and fried rice so i like you. (:' kidding, haha. :D nah, he was talking to me about guts, apparently with his asian english, he like you need the knowledge and the guts and you etc. etc.
you get the message, think he meant that i can accomplish things if i try hard. (: its true, for most things, within reason can't go too far out of reason.
realisations... i was watching inception yesterday. i'll skip all the details in my recount, i went to city and watched inception with a bunch of people i didn't know but it was surprisingly quite unawkwardish, went to kae after, than on to rice than they ate than back home. (: i'll skip this point, music was up in my likes somewhere actually don't think i finished it. alright than.

my grandpa on my mums side (asian) was talking to me today and he say 'cameron you have the small eyes and fried rice so i like you. (:' kidding, haha. :D nah, he was talking to me about guts, apparently with his asian english, he like you need the knowledge and the guts and you etc. etc.
you get the message, think he meant that i can accomplish things if i try hard. (: its true, for most things, within reason can't go too far out of reason.
realisations... i was watching inception yesterday. i'll skip all the details in my recount, i went to city and watched inception with a bunch of people i didn't know but it was surprisingly quite unawkwardish, went to kae after, than on to rice than they ate than back home. (: i'll skip this point, music was up in my likes somewhere actually don't think i finished it. alright than.

really not much to say about music. i like most types of music, except for those hardcore scream ones, really crappy country ones etc. guys can like all types of music too don't dis. i like kpop/jpop/rnb mainly. thats about all i'll say. :D

cameron's perfect girl
oh la la. haha, kidding, i just thought i should write a brief overview. not all these things hold, people can't be judged over simple things, sometimes they're better/worse in person etc. but most other people have written one so i better get mine out in writing. :D below is my copy and paste from my formspring one a while ago. most of it applies i guess, can't think of anything too much different from that. and this concludes cameron's second fat blogpost in a row. (:
oh here we go again. (: i shall paint out a general image, first on appearance than on personality :S but note; not everything i say is true, they don't all have to be true, and girls outside of these can be cute too! HAPPY x) oh sound so corny.
appearance: preferably asian, don't mind white or black, and no offence but no curries. generally around 155-175cmish in general a bit tallers okay i guess but shorters cuter i have to admit, wouldn't want them toooo short or too tall :L preferably longish hair with a fringe, but other hairstyles look good too! and hair can always grow longer and some girls look nicer with shortish hair. :D any colours fine. preferably not too curly/frizzy though. :S -dislike. guess they'd have to have a reasonable body ._. wouldn't want someone too fat, or too thin. somewhere inbetween. other little parts don't matter too much. GOOD ENOUGH? :L want me to go on, sweet face? cute gestures? geeeeeee, haha.
personality: rather friendly, laughs appropiately? haha, not that i do. :S i don't know how to describe personality it just sort of grows, more of a talker because im not so much of a talker at the moment, likes walks on the beach? LOL hahaha kidding! i barely ever go to the beach, be themselves, kind, mean when needed :D smartish. whatever meets my fancy (: cute? raaar. hahah oh my.
oh here we go again. (: i shall paint out a general image, first on appearance than on personality :S but note; not everything i say is true, they don't all have to be true, and girls outside of these can be cute too! HAPPY x) oh sound so corny.
appearance: preferably asian, don't mind white or black, and no offence but no curries. generally around 155-175cmish in general a bit tallers okay i guess but shorters cuter i have to admit, wouldn't want them toooo short or too tall :L preferably longish hair with a fringe, but other hairstyles look good too! and hair can always grow longer and some girls look nicer with shortish hair. :D any colours fine. preferably not too curly/frizzy though. :S -dislike. guess they'd have to have a reasonable body ._. wouldn't want someone too fat, or too thin. somewhere inbetween. other little parts don't matter too much. GOOD ENOUGH? :L want me to go on, sweet face? cute gestures? geeeeeee, haha.
personality: rather friendly, laughs appropiately? haha, not that i do. :S i don't know how to describe personality it just sort of grows, more of a talker because im not so much of a talker at the moment, likes walks on the beach? LOL hahaha kidding! i barely ever go to the beach, be themselves, kind, mean when needed :D smartish. whatever meets my fancy (: cute? raaar. hahah oh my.
gosh rikku from final fantasy. ^.o just saw a picture that reminded me of her. oh my, there was some girl i saw from burwood girls that i swear i saw somewhere before and i had deja vu when i saw my friend in shorts on the basketball court. thats about all for now. :D

this last week has been one of the most fulfilling weeks of my life, if not the most, i don't know what it is but although there were quite a few times i wasn't feeling myself or at all energetic/lively, bring whatever terms you want but after coming back i realised that i missed it already. :s it all flew by, joined together in one mash of events, experiences and memories. but here i am, at home, my head spinning not knowing whats right or wrong, and sort of questioning things. i get this way after trips, especially spending 6-7 hours on the bus home watching drama. (: it made me realise that perhaps i haven't missed out on everything, i have created moments, and memories in that short time frame, little fragments of a school life i dreamed of. :D despite there being an overwhelming amount of white girls at burwood. around 85%, and if you knew me at all you'd know that i don't find them attractive, and i'd prefer not to talk to most of them, they're not conversational with me, like i can talk for a bit, but i wouldn't start a conversation with any white girl on purpose, unless it was for a specific reason. :L well here i am once againnn, -shakes around. its been tough, a week away from home, well sunday - friday. almost a week. (: 6 days, 5 nights. thats the longest i've been away from home but i didn't miss anything, didn't even ponder about whats at home, think thats a first for a trip. every other school trip i've had i've been wanting to go home, be able to stay away from the harshness of reality kicking in, but although this short experience is over, i'll still remember it for the rest of my life. :D
shall i start?
first day
wasn't too exciting, i was excited at first, thinking oh i wonder what sort of people will be at burwood girls, i get to be with my friends, yay (: woke up nice and early at 5:30 and got to school for the 7:00 bus, packed all nicely after the rush of the morning/night. haha, i was fretting about what i was missing, but i had all my stuff in the end! sat next to my best friend, yes i can call him that, may be narrow, but in overall terms my best friend (: a fat 8 hour trip up to the jindabyne camp, we stopped at maccas for breakfast and lunch hahh. i'm such a fatty i spent $25 and ate pancakes, 7 hash browns, 3 large dietcokes, and yes i like diet coke (: it tastes better to me, anyways, large crispy deluxe meal, 2 large diet cokes and a crispy snack wrap within the space of 2-3 hours LOL. D: not healthy cameron. well, i had the urge and i was prepared for the worst of the camp food with my $17.48 worth of lollies which i still have one packet of! hehh. anyways, after all that food i was pretty bummed out but than i got to the camp after watching drama to my laptop died. :D it makes me happy (: got there around 3 and i was like, OMG BASKETBALL RING :3 come to my arms, haha. played basketball until it was dark after grabbing ski hire things, i had fat snowboard boots size 12, wristguards, gloves, goggles and E 124 snowboard, haha still remember the number and than ski jacket/pants, the jacket was pretty ugly but yeah can't really help that, the pants/jacket/board/boots/wristguards were rented. the basketball ring made my first day, it was around 9"6? and nobody could dunk on it properly except for me hahahaha, you have no idea how good that makes me feel. one-two guys could dunk on it maybe 1/15 tries but look at me just dunking casually, alley oop two hand, reverses etc. hehh. well my 360 was about as close as their normal dunks which just made me overwhelmingly happy. (: sports always a good relaxation tool, makes me forget all the stress for a bit and just play. :3 after that we went to dinner? :L and than we had to go through some long boring lecture on ski safety. note: by the time we got off the bus and went into the room i thought we had the wrong school, 85% white seriously? looked around, and you know my eyes just wanders, asians there, there there, mm. anyways, after the ski safety we had supper and all. the dining room was pretty big, had about 6-7 tables in rows of three fitting about 10 people, everyone had different groups and dinner times but didn't really follow them, haha was just to try and keep everyone not all in the hall at once, ended up being seperated from quite a few people in the early/late group thing for ski but it was all in good fun. :x its amazing how you look back and you would think what would happen if i was in this group instead of that one etc. :\ yeah. well i didn't get any social at all the whole trip. maybe said a few heys, but thats as far as my speaking capabilities go, i'll go on with first day anyways. :D long way to go. had supper and than went back to the room and stayed up til just after 12? the lodge had 4 toilets, and all, i woke up at 7 most mornings and watched yugioh :L hahaha. GO ME. was talking to my friends cousin on the phone all of us on loud speaker, gosh we're noisy. i was watching drama before that and being pretty antisocial with my cabin people but they're at my school so no loss there, they were playing some strange card game called bang... no idea. don't ask me haha. :L
second day!
this was the first ski day, kick it into overdrive cameron bam. :D was pretty excited even though it was a trek getting all the gear up to the snow place but eventually got everything up there and it was blizzarding! haha. the wind wasn't too strong except there were fat pieces of ice just flying around in the wind and it hurt bad! got windburn every single day, but it disappeared after a few hours. :3 packed all my bag, and you know my eyes just kept on drifting. :x i won't deny it, one of the asian girls i don't know what it was about her just attractive in some way.. well that kept me going for most of the trip. don't need to socialise, anyways when you look at someone, well i can tell whether we're worlds apart. not going into any more depth on that, haha. its just one of those one time experience things, never going to see them again and all. (: not anything bad! anyways, we got to first snowboard lesson and we learnt how to strap in, straight glide, sort of how to turn with one foot out and thats about all we did... two hours long, the instructor was some bogan called rowan and he didn't have any idea about teaching, he was so slow and made us go one by one and we went down the hill to use the chairlifts and were late on that first day. managed to go down using the stop move somehow with two feet in, stacked quite a bit on that first day but the snow was good so it didn't hurt too bad. just leaves your body aching a bit at the end of the day. i skipped lunch on that day, and back down the ski tube to the lodges. it was already dark so missed out on basketball. (: no worries. i played a bit at night, but its just seriously too cold at the cabins. my cabin was isolated away from the main guys/girls ones so maybe thats one reason why i was less social than i could have been, but its just one of those what would have happened if things. at the end of that day i disliked the snow and didn't really like any part of it, was cold not fun at all snowboarding and i still feel that way, snowboarding isn't fun, i wouldn't do it as a leisure activity, if i had time and got paid for it i'd try and learn, but only time i'll ever try again is if my family wants to go. even if the weather was nice, which it was on the third day, all sunny and still had most of the second days snow than it would've been alright. went to sleep pretty early that night, watched a bit of drama i think. :s hehh. OH. almost forgot, this night was trivia night, meant to get bonus 10 marks for having a mix of boys and girls in your group, but me being antisocial character i am, just stayed in an all boys group after a slight attempt of joining my other friends group, back to my cabin friends group. (: we had fun either way, the trivia night had questions and some activites. there was a wall sit my friends pushed me up to do, and gosh, strength is not wall sit, its endurance you stupid woman. anyways, i had to do a wall sit challenge and i lasted about two minutes LOL. that was pushing it to my limits too, the guy next to me, a huge white guy put in his earphones and after 20 seconds my legs were shaking, maybe too much jumping but i know i'm weak! haha. well i slapped him and everyone laughed, aren't i the clown. :L hhah, than he pushed me and i used it as an excuse to get up. than off to the enddd, and my best friend managed to win. go him. (Y) tank boy. strength and endurance. than at the end of the trivia was a parade and oh my gosh, steven an, that guy. made me laugh so much LOL. he was like ab monster! and and and. he had mascara on and everything, was meant to be a miss jindabyne contest and yeah. :D hehhhehee.
third day
this was the best snowboarding day out of all, another trek up to the snow but least this time it was without the snowboards. the boots started hurting after the first day though, think they left marks on my legs, but its all good now. i'm skipping breakfast/lunch/dinner except i'll talk about it on this day, just for dinner. hehh. it was my friends birthdays, two davids. :D well i have to admit i was more into david hwangs birthday even though those guys aren't as with me as the other david's friends anymore but either way i can intermingle between both, just not comfortably with either :s sometimes you have to make choices, and i picked the easier of the two roads, may not be as fun but i let my emotions guide me. not instinct! well the snow was nice, i already learnt how to do falling leaves in the free ski after the lesson on the first snowing day (second day) due to my friends brilliant teaching skills? haha. well i could get down the hill without stacking after the first day, but its not the proper way, i sort of fail getting on toe side. and thats where i started to get injured. at the end of this second day i started trying to go backwards, but its just too painful when you fall backwards going toeside it doesn't only hurt your ass, it sort of bounces and hurts your head too, maybe its just me but it gave me the worst head pains. :\ especially one of my falls on the fourth day when i hit my head first sort of, lucky we had to wear helmets. woops, forgot about that on the previous part hire thingy. haha. oh well, uhh. well i went down all the way to the bottom but i still couldn't get off chairlifts properly, i managed to learn how to do it sort of properly on the fourth day. alright , back down the tube and out. it was painful on the second and fourth day for my hair, it frosts up in the snow, perhaps thats one reason why i didn't like it, if you didn't notice i sort of love my hair, it controls my mood, when its nice im happy, when its not nice im not as happy, well maybe thats why i wasn't but as the time passed i think i'm starting to get over it, forget about how i look when i'm not going to see these people ever again as long as i have a decent time and can create some memories. :3 i had to actually go into the toilet several times to dry my stuff off on the hand dryer haha. :s gosh. oh LOL. on this day i also went up the chairlift with a girl i thought was asian because she was sort of short, and you really can't tell people apart when they're all geared up. but she turned out to be a short white girl, didn't talk to her for the rest of the camp (: goodie. my friend was skiing in a bloody shirt on this day too! dam his too pro at snowboarding for me, get out of here. hehh. :L well yeah, when we got back to camp i saw people playing basketball so rush rush rush cameron, go take off your gear and get down there. actually i'm not sure if this was the third or fourth day actually think its the fourth but i'll write it here before i forget. was playing basketball with some guys and the other asian girls, they're not attractive to me, but they're asian so i thought i better intermingle and be more social. when my friends went off to dinner i thought i should socialise a bit more, so i took the effort to not leave, and just kept on passing them the ball while they were shooting. met a girl called ivy, min and kirsten? have no idea. (: they asked why i'm so tall, oh my. D: haha. well their friends came down and i swear one of them, sort of tall asian one sort of kept on looking at me several times, and on the fifth day she snowballed me quite a bit, maybe to talk to me. (: hehh. i feel special, but it was just fun. anyways, at the end of this day was... -thinks movie night? watched zoo lander, gosh that wasn't that fun, but finally learnt what blue steel was after my friend used it in an expression a few months ago. (: sif my look is blue steel, my look was the wtf look girl! hahaha. we got it right eventually. anyways, was in a tiny crampped square at the back of the room for that day and it was davids birthday. oh wait backtrack to dinner. davids sister ordered a giant yummy cake for him, and i came up three quarters through and he offered it to most people, and ended up giving last two pieces to the teachers. :L and he gave the big triangle slice to a white girl cus it was her birthday LOL. and he like did a sly pull at his jumper when the girl sort of shouted over thank you which only i saw. hahahahahaha. (: it was amusing watching people come over going happy birthday, him offering them cake and them going back and pretending they didnt want cake when they really did! especially one of the guys, he was like talking about carrots or some crap LOL. hahahaha, i had fun on that table, for some reason those guys are more outrageous fun but aren't as friendly/loyal. its hard to know who i want in my life.
fourth day
oh, for a second i thought this was the fifth day and i was writing about it but had to backspace LOL. anyways, this day was... ^ thinks really windy and included more antisocial cameron. my friends, not sure if his really my friend, i'd say friend anyways but his girlfriend just took me out with her snowboard at the bottom of the hill! hahaha. :3 didn't hurt at all but its amusing watching them apologise. they clung together like marshal and lily. anyways, this was the worst day i think. i fell over so many times trying to go toe side i think i almost cried, but i couldnt cus it was too cold and super windy just not windy enough that the chairlifts were cancelled and being the asian that i am can't stand wasting money so i attempted to snowboard the whole time which resulted in my screwed up right leg now, which hurts whenever i try to lift it up. its getting better each night though, and fat aching around my body and bad head pains. was in extreme pain for that afternoon/night. :\ but being the man i am, held it in for the most part. at least in front of girls. (: the ski tube rides were memorable, sort of, tried to get the seat most of the time but when i was with my other friends usually stood up, because there were asian girls near themm sort of... either way. heh. my other friend sort of friend, i'd call him friend different one from the one before got snowballed in the face by some singaporean guy who is their friend more than me... he only just came to our school, its pathetic how they treat me and put in some random singaporean, it pisses me off the most ): not that i have anything that bad against him, my other friend ^ above did for a bit, but after hitting him in the helmet ( LOL ) they sorted it out after some tough love and bitching. came back on this night, and cameron was thinking better start being more social or somehow get into it, -puts on my sexy earring LOL. :3 didn't get anyones attention except for some white girls/guys and my best friend. well, they were the only ones which commented about it. my best friend was like ooh, how much was it? where'd you get it? genuinely, thats the best part about it. :D and i love him like that, in the most non homo way possible LOL. :x don't know how else to express it. anyways, the white girls noticed i think, and a white guy, i'd say i'm on friendly terms with him was like cameron, nice earring in his voice which sounds sarcastic but isnt and i sort of gave them a pissed off, barring look, didn't even really look at them, thankss... -walks off to put my name down for jindabyne markets thing. hahaha. :x white people seriously... :\ sarcastic rude mean slutty people in this world. i had something with apples on the camp, make me feel cooler eating an apple. :3 hahha. anyways, that night was jindabyne markets which is where there are random shops and you get fake money to buy it and the person with most money was supposed to win but nooo... anyways. :x me and my cabin friends and some of my other other friends were in the pancake shop, stanley is my friend (: trevor is my friend (: kenny (signaporean guy) is sorta? the cabin guys are all my friends (: just to name them. :\ getting confusing saying this guy and that. i'll confuse myself when i read back on this some time far far away. :L anyways, stanley being the pro he is managed to make us some money playing roulette wheeee won if you got multiples of 5 and it tripled your money. haha, his so lucky! and i was carrying everyones money so i had around 2k when each person had $175 and eight in our group. but look at this stupid game, everyones a winner, freaking white concept. theres only winners and losers in life. your either one or the other in everything. you win something, you lose something in every sport, every thing, everything is a game. well as you might tell i had the most money which is why i was pissed. (: that night was nothing again, oh wait. :\ ^ thinks. i actually went up to the main lodges and attempted to socialise for a bit, didn't go too far though. was talking with my other friends when some white girl walked in so i just left them. and than went over to one of my cabin friends and started talking with him and this half jap girl shes a really nice person! really really really! haha. anyways, that was that night.
fifth day
this is where everything boils down to. the final day with people, and i had to make the most of it, cameron get your blood moving, boom chika wow wow. LOL. but seriously, i tried to make the best of it, and it turned out to be the best but one of the strangest days ive had. the morning was pretty normal but went up to the snow and it was so windy all of the chairlifts were cancelled. yayyyyyyy :3 what a pity cameron, you can't go snowboarding for the day. haha. we had to go out for 'lessons' anyway but ended up having a massive snowball fight with two other groups. my ski group was pretty crappy, but i had stanley in it so i survived. :D only two hours a day. oh had another friend in it too but yeah. we had a snowball fight, grr. but my leg was in pain from the fourth day, so i couldn't move around too much and when one of the whitewashed asian guys tackled me in the fight i was about to smack him but i resisted. got hit in the ear a few times which hurt :\ and i wanted to go in after a bit, i made a few giant balls to throw but got too tired. think i can call that other other friend a friend now after this but im not sure. (: we were playing dodge the snowball sort of. hehh. :3 his a nice guy but he gets angry sometimes, koreans these days. :D hehhh. :L after the snowball fight i had to go dry myself all off, oh and snowboards were in a rack on the veranda got windy thereee, well dried myself up and went up to the cafeteria and played big 2 a bit with the half jap girl, and my cabin friend and some other guy. we played a japanese rule, not sure if it really is i swear she made up some LOL. well it was loser has to give the winner their highest card and the winner gives any card back. anyways, i dominated before lunch and than after lunch we came back and played pig? i have no idea what its called. your meant to get four of a kind and passing the cards in a circle.. than when someone gets four of a kind touch your nose, last to touch your nose loses. well hard to explain but yeah, the loser had to do a dare! :D i had the funnest time doing that, i won't go through all the dares but i'll go through all the notable ones. the one which got us in trouble and made us stop for the last hour was two girls weren't too sure who lost so they did a double one and they had to hook arms with somebody and walk with them, but they chose the wrong guy! LOL. they chose the cleaner and he was some angry white guy, he just shrugged them off the second they touched him and kept on moving with this massive dirty angry look on his face HAHA. scared the crap out of everyone. i was secretely laughing. (: this game made my week. anyways, other ones were faceplanting against the window from outside and seeing the expression of the guy eating next to the window, copying a girl doing aerobics where she did the biggest what the hell look and she was staring at us for ages. haha. :3 i put down the chairs of the cleaning lady while she was putting the up. LOL. i just put them back up after after everyone was like STOP STOP STOP. hahahahaha. anyways, my other dare was to do hip thrusts in front of somebody and say are you doing it right? but i didn't hear them say i was meant to do that so i went up infront of a little kid and went -thrust oh yeah -thrust -slide sideways -thrust LOL. HAHAHAHA. i'm such a pedophile. anyways, those were my two. other dares were like front rolling around tables, singing on top of tables, in the middle of the area, asking how much the sugar was, commando jumping across tables, jumping around like a bunny rabbit, shouting out strange things like -counting cow teets on the wall and than going OMG THERES 20 TEETS hehehehehe. anyways my other other friend had to shout out MUM MUM, ? MUMM!!! and than go to the bin and look inside it and say are you in here mum? omgosh, that was hilariousss. everyone was watching him. :3 best one out of all of them i think. :\ he enacts well, another one was pouring water on an indians head (he was from our school its ok ,a girl did it hehe. ), slapped another indian, and she missed and backslapped him wrong and like punched his face LOL. than she hugged him sorry as the next dare. uh. a friend had one where he went up to a guy who was leaning on his arm and staring at us, and he pulled out the chair in front of the guy and sat leaning on his arm too right at his face LOL. it was hilarious, the guy was going to hit him for a second i thought, haha. :L anyways thats the main lot of them. too tired to think of anymore. we got out of that place after a trek and got back to the places. everyone got ready and than had dinner blah blah blah and went to a dance party. woohoo? LOL. DANCE PARTY YAY. nah, i went in at 7:30 and it was empty and was like whooo this is my floor, get out of here - dances and the instructor was just staring at me hahaha. than i went outside and everyone came down after five minutes after i sort of led them down ._. sort of! anyways, the party began, they really did have some shit songs, played a few twice and they cut off the pokemon song half way through to put on some other song... -dislike. anyways, the highlight of that was i got to hold an asian girls hand, yay. (: lowside was i had to hold a white girls hand as we made a massive spiral circle chain thingy haha, the funniest bit was i thought i was sweating because my hand was getting slippery but it was definently the white girl. the white girls hand was at least 10x sweatier than the asian girls hand, it was practically dry, but the white girls hand was so wet i could barely hold onto her hand it was hilarious, must've been embarassing for her. (: serves you right. anyways, that dance party was pretty baddd... honestly, they had some guys try to breakdance as i thought would happen, my god, they're so bad, they're doing freezes for beginners which they can't even do well, so embarassing! and than the white guys came up and tried to do their twirling light shit but failed a bit. its really not that interesting after 30 seconds, and i let kirsten and min go infront of me because im just too tall for them to see over LOL. doubt they knew it was me though. maybe her names spelt minh ._. who cares,oh haha almost forgot that some white bimbo tried to drag me in the circle and i was just like --------- and than my friend saw and he just laughed hahahahaha, anyways, that was the night pretty much done. after that they showed us pictures of the camp and my best friend was getting massaged LOL. that was the highlight of that, hehehehe :3 picture perfect, and i had a fat cheesey smile on one. (: thats my fake smile, looks like the one i had at formal. :x really need to work on my fake smile, it gets out of hand. my heads still pounding a bit. D: anyways, supper and oh my gosh. my prank fell into action. it started with my friend saying we should go chuck milk bottles at the guy called david cao. (cow) yeah... we're lame but its been there since year 7. its actually pronounced chow, anyways, we collected 59 milk bottles and filled them up with water and put them in his sleeping bag. also got a couple of balloons and shoved them inside the sleeping bag and pillow too. than me being the ninja i am, oh did i mention i pretty much had a cold throughout the whole camp, i didn't say so, my nose was blocked but now im back in sydney i guess its getting better, the cold doesn't suit me but i prefer it than the hot still. anyways, i was hiding behind the bunk under a parker in the corner, hehe. :L videoed him and his reaaction. priceless .OH have to say my other scaring prank i made. there was a drying room right at one of the entrances to the cabin and its small and really dark, so i hid in there and when people came in the door i just popped out and screamed i scared people and oh my god. that was one of the highlights of the camp. one of the guys i scared he was rolling around on the floor for five minutes LOL. (Y) and another one saw me texting on my phone and he was like why the hells there a phone - opens door. AHHHioerhauiofgehaguioeha LOL. hahahahaha. :) anyways, that night i finished watching drama and falling asleep and thats my camp. :s didn't i say it was over too soon?
sixth and final day
back on the bus with my best friend, watched drama most of the time and it was way shorter but more uncomfortable than the way here. well it felt like that anyways. :3
i'll never forget this time, well i'll try my best to, its one of those memorable things i've always dreamed of having, school moments that i thought were only true and made me want them so badly in dramas/animes. but for a brief moment, even if for that fragment of my life i experienced them. (:
and it leaves me here happy.
shall i start?
first day
wasn't too exciting, i was excited at first, thinking oh i wonder what sort of people will be at burwood girls, i get to be with my friends, yay (: woke up nice and early at 5:30 and got to school for the 7:00 bus, packed all nicely after the rush of the morning/night. haha, i was fretting about what i was missing, but i had all my stuff in the end! sat next to my best friend, yes i can call him that, may be narrow, but in overall terms my best friend (: a fat 8 hour trip up to the jindabyne camp, we stopped at maccas for breakfast and lunch hahh. i'm such a fatty i spent $25 and ate pancakes, 7 hash browns, 3 large dietcokes, and yes i like diet coke (: it tastes better to me, anyways, large crispy deluxe meal, 2 large diet cokes and a crispy snack wrap within the space of 2-3 hours LOL. D: not healthy cameron. well, i had the urge and i was prepared for the worst of the camp food with my $17.48 worth of lollies which i still have one packet of! hehh. anyways, after all that food i was pretty bummed out but than i got to the camp after watching drama to my laptop died. :D it makes me happy (: got there around 3 and i was like, OMG BASKETBALL RING :3 come to my arms, haha. played basketball until it was dark after grabbing ski hire things, i had fat snowboard boots size 12, wristguards, gloves, goggles and E 124 snowboard, haha still remember the number and than ski jacket/pants, the jacket was pretty ugly but yeah can't really help that, the pants/jacket/board/boots/wristguards were rented. the basketball ring made my first day, it was around 9"6? and nobody could dunk on it properly except for me hahahaha, you have no idea how good that makes me feel. one-two guys could dunk on it maybe 1/15 tries but look at me just dunking casually, alley oop two hand, reverses etc. hehh. well my 360 was about as close as their normal dunks which just made me overwhelmingly happy. (: sports always a good relaxation tool, makes me forget all the stress for a bit and just play. :3 after that we went to dinner? :L and than we had to go through some long boring lecture on ski safety. note: by the time we got off the bus and went into the room i thought we had the wrong school, 85% white seriously? looked around, and you know my eyes just wanders, asians there, there there, mm. anyways, after the ski safety we had supper and all. the dining room was pretty big, had about 6-7 tables in rows of three fitting about 10 people, everyone had different groups and dinner times but didn't really follow them, haha was just to try and keep everyone not all in the hall at once, ended up being seperated from quite a few people in the early/late group thing for ski but it was all in good fun. :x its amazing how you look back and you would think what would happen if i was in this group instead of that one etc. :\ yeah. well i didn't get any social at all the whole trip. maybe said a few heys, but thats as far as my speaking capabilities go, i'll go on with first day anyways. :D long way to go. had supper and than went back to the room and stayed up til just after 12? the lodge had 4 toilets, and all, i woke up at 7 most mornings and watched yugioh :L hahaha. GO ME. was talking to my friends cousin on the phone all of us on loud speaker, gosh we're noisy. i was watching drama before that and being pretty antisocial with my cabin people but they're at my school so no loss there, they were playing some strange card game called bang... no idea. don't ask me haha. :L
second day!
this was the first ski day, kick it into overdrive cameron bam. :D was pretty excited even though it was a trek getting all the gear up to the snow place but eventually got everything up there and it was blizzarding! haha. the wind wasn't too strong except there were fat pieces of ice just flying around in the wind and it hurt bad! got windburn every single day, but it disappeared after a few hours. :3 packed all my bag, and you know my eyes just kept on drifting. :x i won't deny it, one of the asian girls i don't know what it was about her just attractive in some way.. well that kept me going for most of the trip. don't need to socialise, anyways when you look at someone, well i can tell whether we're worlds apart. not going into any more depth on that, haha. its just one of those one time experience things, never going to see them again and all. (: not anything bad! anyways, we got to first snowboard lesson and we learnt how to strap in, straight glide, sort of how to turn with one foot out and thats about all we did... two hours long, the instructor was some bogan called rowan and he didn't have any idea about teaching, he was so slow and made us go one by one and we went down the hill to use the chairlifts and were late on that first day. managed to go down using the stop move somehow with two feet in, stacked quite a bit on that first day but the snow was good so it didn't hurt too bad. just leaves your body aching a bit at the end of the day. i skipped lunch on that day, and back down the ski tube to the lodges. it was already dark so missed out on basketball. (: no worries. i played a bit at night, but its just seriously too cold at the cabins. my cabin was isolated away from the main guys/girls ones so maybe thats one reason why i was less social than i could have been, but its just one of those what would have happened if things. at the end of that day i disliked the snow and didn't really like any part of it, was cold not fun at all snowboarding and i still feel that way, snowboarding isn't fun, i wouldn't do it as a leisure activity, if i had time and got paid for it i'd try and learn, but only time i'll ever try again is if my family wants to go. even if the weather was nice, which it was on the third day, all sunny and still had most of the second days snow than it would've been alright. went to sleep pretty early that night, watched a bit of drama i think. :s hehh. OH. almost forgot, this night was trivia night, meant to get bonus 10 marks for having a mix of boys and girls in your group, but me being antisocial character i am, just stayed in an all boys group after a slight attempt of joining my other friends group, back to my cabin friends group. (: we had fun either way, the trivia night had questions and some activites. there was a wall sit my friends pushed me up to do, and gosh, strength is not wall sit, its endurance you stupid woman. anyways, i had to do a wall sit challenge and i lasted about two minutes LOL. that was pushing it to my limits too, the guy next to me, a huge white guy put in his earphones and after 20 seconds my legs were shaking, maybe too much jumping but i know i'm weak! haha. well i slapped him and everyone laughed, aren't i the clown. :L hhah, than he pushed me and i used it as an excuse to get up. than off to the enddd, and my best friend managed to win. go him. (Y) tank boy. strength and endurance. than at the end of the trivia was a parade and oh my gosh, steven an, that guy. made me laugh so much LOL. he was like ab monster! and and and. he had mascara on and everything, was meant to be a miss jindabyne contest and yeah. :D hehhhehee.

third day
this was the best snowboarding day out of all, another trek up to the snow but least this time it was without the snowboards. the boots started hurting after the first day though, think they left marks on my legs, but its all good now. i'm skipping breakfast/lunch/dinner except i'll talk about it on this day, just for dinner. hehh. it was my friends birthdays, two davids. :D well i have to admit i was more into david hwangs birthday even though those guys aren't as with me as the other david's friends anymore but either way i can intermingle between both, just not comfortably with either :s sometimes you have to make choices, and i picked the easier of the two roads, may not be as fun but i let my emotions guide me. not instinct! well the snow was nice, i already learnt how to do falling leaves in the free ski after the lesson on the first snowing day (second day) due to my friends brilliant teaching skills? haha. well i could get down the hill without stacking after the first day, but its not the proper way, i sort of fail getting on toe side. and thats where i started to get injured. at the end of this second day i started trying to go backwards, but its just too painful when you fall backwards going toeside it doesn't only hurt your ass, it sort of bounces and hurts your head too, maybe its just me but it gave me the worst head pains. :\ especially one of my falls on the fourth day when i hit my head first sort of, lucky we had to wear helmets. woops, forgot about that on the previous part hire thingy. haha. oh well, uhh. well i went down all the way to the bottom but i still couldn't get off chairlifts properly, i managed to learn how to do it sort of properly on the fourth day. alright , back down the tube and out. it was painful on the second and fourth day for my hair, it frosts up in the snow, perhaps thats one reason why i didn't like it, if you didn't notice i sort of love my hair, it controls my mood, when its nice im happy, when its not nice im not as happy, well maybe thats why i wasn't but as the time passed i think i'm starting to get over it, forget about how i look when i'm not going to see these people ever again as long as i have a decent time and can create some memories. :3 i had to actually go into the toilet several times to dry my stuff off on the hand dryer haha. :s gosh. oh LOL. on this day i also went up the chairlift with a girl i thought was asian because she was sort of short, and you really can't tell people apart when they're all geared up. but she turned out to be a short white girl, didn't talk to her for the rest of the camp (: goodie. my friend was skiing in a bloody shirt on this day too! dam his too pro at snowboarding for me, get out of here. hehh. :L well yeah, when we got back to camp i saw people playing basketball so rush rush rush cameron, go take off your gear and get down there. actually i'm not sure if this was the third or fourth day actually think its the fourth but i'll write it here before i forget. was playing basketball with some guys and the other asian girls, they're not attractive to me, but they're asian so i thought i better intermingle and be more social. when my friends went off to dinner i thought i should socialise a bit more, so i took the effort to not leave, and just kept on passing them the ball while they were shooting. met a girl called ivy, min and kirsten? have no idea. (: they asked why i'm so tall, oh my. D: haha. well their friends came down and i swear one of them, sort of tall asian one sort of kept on looking at me several times, and on the fifth day she snowballed me quite a bit, maybe to talk to me. (: hehh. i feel special, but it was just fun. anyways, at the end of this day was... -thinks movie night? watched zoo lander, gosh that wasn't that fun, but finally learnt what blue steel was after my friend used it in an expression a few months ago. (: sif my look is blue steel, my look was the wtf look girl! hahaha. we got it right eventually. anyways, was in a tiny crampped square at the back of the room for that day and it was davids birthday. oh wait backtrack to dinner. davids sister ordered a giant yummy cake for him, and i came up three quarters through and he offered it to most people, and ended up giving last two pieces to the teachers. :L and he gave the big triangle slice to a white girl cus it was her birthday LOL. and he like did a sly pull at his jumper when the girl sort of shouted over thank you which only i saw. hahahahahaha. (: it was amusing watching people come over going happy birthday, him offering them cake and them going back and pretending they didnt want cake when they really did! especially one of the guys, he was like talking about carrots or some crap LOL. hahahaha, i had fun on that table, for some reason those guys are more outrageous fun but aren't as friendly/loyal. its hard to know who i want in my life.
fourth day
oh, for a second i thought this was the fifth day and i was writing about it but had to backspace LOL. anyways, this day was... ^ thinks really windy and included more antisocial cameron. my friends, not sure if his really my friend, i'd say friend anyways but his girlfriend just took me out with her snowboard at the bottom of the hill! hahaha. :3 didn't hurt at all but its amusing watching them apologise. they clung together like marshal and lily. anyways, this was the worst day i think. i fell over so many times trying to go toe side i think i almost cried, but i couldnt cus it was too cold and super windy just not windy enough that the chairlifts were cancelled and being the asian that i am can't stand wasting money so i attempted to snowboard the whole time which resulted in my screwed up right leg now, which hurts whenever i try to lift it up. its getting better each night though, and fat aching around my body and bad head pains. was in extreme pain for that afternoon/night. :\ but being the man i am, held it in for the most part. at least in front of girls. (: the ski tube rides were memorable, sort of, tried to get the seat most of the time but when i was with my other friends usually stood up, because there were asian girls near themm sort of... either way. heh. my other friend sort of friend, i'd call him friend different one from the one before got snowballed in the face by some singaporean guy who is their friend more than me... he only just came to our school, its pathetic how they treat me and put in some random singaporean, it pisses me off the most ): not that i have anything that bad against him, my other friend ^ above did for a bit, but after hitting him in the helmet ( LOL ) they sorted it out after some tough love and bitching. came back on this night, and cameron was thinking better start being more social or somehow get into it, -puts on my sexy earring LOL. :3 didn't get anyones attention except for some white girls/guys and my best friend. well, they were the only ones which commented about it. my best friend was like ooh, how much was it? where'd you get it? genuinely, thats the best part about it. :D and i love him like that, in the most non homo way possible LOL. :x don't know how else to express it. anyways, the white girls noticed i think, and a white guy, i'd say i'm on friendly terms with him was like cameron, nice earring in his voice which sounds sarcastic but isnt and i sort of gave them a pissed off, barring look, didn't even really look at them, thankss... -walks off to put my name down for jindabyne markets thing. hahaha. :x white people seriously... :\ sarcastic rude mean slutty people in this world. i had something with apples on the camp, make me feel cooler eating an apple. :3 hahha. anyways, that night was jindabyne markets which is where there are random shops and you get fake money to buy it and the person with most money was supposed to win but nooo... anyways. :x me and my cabin friends and some of my other other friends were in the pancake shop, stanley is my friend (: trevor is my friend (: kenny (signaporean guy) is sorta? the cabin guys are all my friends (: just to name them. :\ getting confusing saying this guy and that. i'll confuse myself when i read back on this some time far far away. :L anyways, stanley being the pro he is managed to make us some money playing roulette wheeee won if you got multiples of 5 and it tripled your money. haha, his so lucky! and i was carrying everyones money so i had around 2k when each person had $175 and eight in our group. but look at this stupid game, everyones a winner, freaking white concept. theres only winners and losers in life. your either one or the other in everything. you win something, you lose something in every sport, every thing, everything is a game. well as you might tell i had the most money which is why i was pissed. (: that night was nothing again, oh wait. :\ ^ thinks. i actually went up to the main lodges and attempted to socialise for a bit, didn't go too far though. was talking with my other friends when some white girl walked in so i just left them. and than went over to one of my cabin friends and started talking with him and this half jap girl shes a really nice person! really really really! haha. anyways, that was that night.
fifth day
this is where everything boils down to. the final day with people, and i had to make the most of it, cameron get your blood moving, boom chika wow wow. LOL. but seriously, i tried to make the best of it, and it turned out to be the best but one of the strangest days ive had. the morning was pretty normal but went up to the snow and it was so windy all of the chairlifts were cancelled. yayyyyyyy :3 what a pity cameron, you can't go snowboarding for the day. haha. we had to go out for 'lessons' anyway but ended up having a massive snowball fight with two other groups. my ski group was pretty crappy, but i had stanley in it so i survived. :D only two hours a day. oh had another friend in it too but yeah. we had a snowball fight, grr. but my leg was in pain from the fourth day, so i couldn't move around too much and when one of the whitewashed asian guys tackled me in the fight i was about to smack him but i resisted. got hit in the ear a few times which hurt :\ and i wanted to go in after a bit, i made a few giant balls to throw but got too tired. think i can call that other other friend a friend now after this but im not sure. (: we were playing dodge the snowball sort of. hehh. :3 his a nice guy but he gets angry sometimes, koreans these days. :D hehhh. :L after the snowball fight i had to go dry myself all off, oh and snowboards were in a rack on the veranda got windy thereee, well dried myself up and went up to the cafeteria and played big 2 a bit with the half jap girl, and my cabin friend and some other guy. we played a japanese rule, not sure if it really is i swear she made up some LOL. well it was loser has to give the winner their highest card and the winner gives any card back. anyways, i dominated before lunch and than after lunch we came back and played pig? i have no idea what its called. your meant to get four of a kind and passing the cards in a circle.. than when someone gets four of a kind touch your nose, last to touch your nose loses. well hard to explain but yeah, the loser had to do a dare! :D i had the funnest time doing that, i won't go through all the dares but i'll go through all the notable ones. the one which got us in trouble and made us stop for the last hour was two girls weren't too sure who lost so they did a double one and they had to hook arms with somebody and walk with them, but they chose the wrong guy! LOL. they chose the cleaner and he was some angry white guy, he just shrugged them off the second they touched him and kept on moving with this massive dirty angry look on his face HAHA. scared the crap out of everyone. i was secretely laughing. (: this game made my week. anyways, other ones were faceplanting against the window from outside and seeing the expression of the guy eating next to the window, copying a girl doing aerobics where she did the biggest what the hell look and she was staring at us for ages. haha. :3 i put down the chairs of the cleaning lady while she was putting the up. LOL. i just put them back up after after everyone was like STOP STOP STOP. hahahahaha. anyways, my other dare was to do hip thrusts in front of somebody and say are you doing it right? but i didn't hear them say i was meant to do that so i went up infront of a little kid and went -thrust oh yeah -thrust -slide sideways -thrust LOL. HAHAHAHA. i'm such a pedophile. anyways, those were my two. other dares were like front rolling around tables, singing on top of tables, in the middle of the area, asking how much the sugar was, commando jumping across tables, jumping around like a bunny rabbit, shouting out strange things like -counting cow teets on the wall and than going OMG THERES 20 TEETS hehehehehe. anyways my other other friend had to shout out MUM MUM, ? MUMM!!! and than go to the bin and look inside it and say are you in here mum? omgosh, that was hilariousss. everyone was watching him. :3 best one out of all of them i think. :\ he enacts well, another one was pouring water on an indians head (he was from our school its ok ,a girl did it hehe. ), slapped another indian, and she missed and backslapped him wrong and like punched his face LOL. than she hugged him sorry as the next dare. uh. a friend had one where he went up to a guy who was leaning on his arm and staring at us, and he pulled out the chair in front of the guy and sat leaning on his arm too right at his face LOL. it was hilarious, the guy was going to hit him for a second i thought, haha. :L anyways thats the main lot of them. too tired to think of anymore. we got out of that place after a trek and got back to the places. everyone got ready and than had dinner blah blah blah and went to a dance party. woohoo? LOL. DANCE PARTY YAY. nah, i went in at 7:30 and it was empty and was like whooo this is my floor, get out of here - dances and the instructor was just staring at me hahaha. than i went outside and everyone came down after five minutes after i sort of led them down ._. sort of! anyways, the party began, they really did have some shit songs, played a few twice and they cut off the pokemon song half way through to put on some other song... -dislike. anyways, the highlight of that was i got to hold an asian girls hand, yay. (: lowside was i had to hold a white girls hand as we made a massive spiral circle chain thingy haha, the funniest bit was i thought i was sweating because my hand was getting slippery but it was definently the white girl. the white girls hand was at least 10x sweatier than the asian girls hand, it was practically dry, but the white girls hand was so wet i could barely hold onto her hand it was hilarious, must've been embarassing for her. (: serves you right. anyways, that dance party was pretty baddd... honestly, they had some guys try to breakdance as i thought would happen, my god, they're so bad, they're doing freezes for beginners which they can't even do well, so embarassing! and than the white guys came up and tried to do their twirling light shit but failed a bit. its really not that interesting after 30 seconds, and i let kirsten and min go infront of me because im just too tall for them to see over LOL. doubt they knew it was me though. maybe her names spelt minh ._. who cares,oh haha almost forgot that some white bimbo tried to drag me in the circle and i was just like --------- and than my friend saw and he just laughed hahahahaha, anyways, that was the night pretty much done. after that they showed us pictures of the camp and my best friend was getting massaged LOL. that was the highlight of that, hehehehe :3 picture perfect, and i had a fat cheesey smile on one. (: thats my fake smile, looks like the one i had at formal. :x really need to work on my fake smile, it gets out of hand. my heads still pounding a bit. D: anyways, supper and oh my gosh. my prank fell into action. it started with my friend saying we should go chuck milk bottles at the guy called david cao. (cow) yeah... we're lame but its been there since year 7. its actually pronounced chow, anyways, we collected 59 milk bottles and filled them up with water and put them in his sleeping bag. also got a couple of balloons and shoved them inside the sleeping bag and pillow too. than me being the ninja i am, oh did i mention i pretty much had a cold throughout the whole camp, i didn't say so, my nose was blocked but now im back in sydney i guess its getting better, the cold doesn't suit me but i prefer it than the hot still. anyways, i was hiding behind the bunk under a parker in the corner, hehe. :L videoed him and his reaaction. priceless .OH have to say my other scaring prank i made. there was a drying room right at one of the entrances to the cabin and its small and really dark, so i hid in there and when people came in the door i just popped out and screamed i scared people and oh my god. that was one of the highlights of the camp. one of the guys i scared he was rolling around on the floor for five minutes LOL. (Y) and another one saw me texting on my phone and he was like why the hells there a phone - opens door. AHHHioerhauiofgehaguioeha LOL. hahahahaha. :) anyways, that night i finished watching drama and falling asleep and thats my camp. :s didn't i say it was over too soon?

sixth and final day
back on the bus with my best friend, watched drama most of the time and it was way shorter but more uncomfortable than the way here. well it felt like that anyways. :3
i'll never forget this time, well i'll try my best to, its one of those memorable things i've always dreamed of having, school moments that i thought were only true and made me want them so badly in dramas/animes. but for a brief moment, even if for that fragment of my life i experienced them. (:
and it leaves me here happy.
off to jindabyne, back on the 20th! :D than to ricerally, yay. hopefully my hair will have grown back a bit by than.
got to get up at 7am. (:
i went to a 5 star hotel tonight, buffet for my grandparents 50th anniversary, if you really want to know more, feel free to text me on my long bus tripppp haha. :D actually, that might be awkward. off to sleep! when i get back kick into yearlies too. won't blog much because i'm not energetic like that.
got to get up at 7am. (:
i went to a 5 star hotel tonight, buffet for my grandparents 50th anniversary, if you really want to know more, feel free to text me on my long bus tripppp haha. :D actually, that might be awkward. off to sleep! when i get back kick into yearlies too. won't blog much because i'm not energetic like that.
i was going to post when i got home, but changed my mind, now i changed my mind again and i decided i should post yeah. (: keep the spammers who spam my blog happy. :D pity i deleted all their posts and banned their ips and reported them as spam. hehh.
alright on to my week.
shall we start at my totally awe inspiring weekend? haha. it was actually quite hectic for me.
first of friday?
well alright, my friday afternoon everybody hanged around at school before we went to watch step up 3 ! all the jap exchange students, like actually all of them were there, practically anyways, just took about 20-30 photos before we eventually all shoved into one bus to wynyard. :L haha than me and some others walked ahead to the cinemas, and met somebody, we hanged around a bit before half of them ditched us, and that somebody left after a while. (: step up 3 was bloody $22 but it was alrighttt, we had to sort of split up to watch the movie into smaller groups and my friends cousin has huge eyes and they're too close together for an asian, anyways that was a good movie. :D i liked it anyway, lot more dancing than the other two.
moving on to the funnest day, saturday! hehe. :D went to a friends house after my crappy coaching, i got to drive yay... :\ didn't smash though! haha. (: 30 hrs 10 min now. well, got there and after about an hour everyone arrived, we played guitar hero, made some food, played some basketball and everyone socialised, i didn't really talk to any of them that much, but still i think im starting to feel more confident in myself. :D even though they're just jap exchange students.. never going to see them again. didn't even say goodbye to them. :s what a pity, im really bad with goodbyes though so yeah.
and now onto sunday, i was initially going to go out but my friend said he couldn't but than about half an hour before i had to leave to get to where he wanted me to go we went out, than went pancakes on the rocks, oh my gosh, never been there but it was pretty nice although it was fairly expensive (: oh and met another person and their jap exchange billet while we were just walking to the pancakes on the rocks, bahha. i was like :o sort of made closer friends with some of those guys, guess its good in a way. anyways, went opera house after that, met two more billets who were just sitting there but left them because they were going to explore opera house and walked back to wharf 6 where all the year 11s were going on a cruise with their billets. i had to go back home and do my economics so yeah that was sort of dead. :D
but i had fun, thats last time i saw them. didn't see them off this morning, what a pity yeah? hehh, obviously better that way. i don't want no non-attractive girls hugging me. (: no offence, unless they're my friend. but these people i didn't really know, hehh. :s
anyways thats my brilliant weekend not very interesting yeah? haha.
oh. onto monday, first day when they're all gone, they left at 9am, but what a pity i couldn't see them off because i had morning class yeah? :D sort of saw one of them who came into the classroom for a bit before she left, sort of chubby one (: she has a beautiful voice though. anyways, she didn't even see me, or recognise me so what a pity again. :D haha, really should get some new phrases cameron!
afternoon i had basketball training for the first time in like two years or something, didn't have a coach in my last team. and it confirmed i am extremely unfit, i knew i wasn't good at doing too high intensity things, because i get extremely lightheaded and can't see straight or anything but this was to the extreme. it also made me want to throw up. half way through the training, everyones fine except me. :\ i really have gotten unfit, 12.7 beep test, probably get 6 now. D: anyways, i was so lightheaded i couldn't even keep my head up, couldn't breathe properly and i felt like i was about to throw up. managed to make it to the bathroom before i attempted to throw up, luckily nothing was inside my stomach! YAY :D hehh.. just sat down for about five minutes until i could see clearly enough to walk straight without looking too uncoordinated, don't want people worrying over me, make me look like a weak boy. D: well that was my day. (:
think i'll talk about something more. let me just think of something, i really should note down things when i think about them so i can come home and blog about them shouldn't i? haha. -slaps self around a bit. just found my merit certificate, did i say i'm trying out for prefect? probably shouldn't because even if i do somehow get in, some teachers hate me so they'll disqualify me out somehow and the other teachers don't like me enough to stand up for me. :D thats just one reason why i don't like my school. not going back to regrets, umm.. -thinks LOL that party thing for july 16th is still on my desk from when that asian girl gave it to me when i was at pool in the holidays.. umm. -thinks. oh i still have a bit more to go on about. i don't know who my real friends are :\
think i'll make a new paragraph for this.
my original friends were the people which played basketball (in high school). should i go further back? nah, shouldn't. only have one white guy whose sort of my friend from back then, and another one who still goes to my school but i don't really see that much, guess i talk to him though on the way home if he happens to be walking with me cus he lives two streets away, that first guy mentioned lives just up the street. anyway, umm. yeah, the first people were the basketball people, when we were all innocent year sevens and didn't care about how cool people were as long as they wanted to be friends, times change huh, i guess i made some pretty 'cool' friends, but boom. just disappeared like that. replace them with fucking signaporeans. fuck those guys. :\ they always disregard me, thought they were my friends, until sometime at the end of last year, i realised other people are more like friends than those guys ever were. there is always that exception, there is one guy i think i can always call my friend, oh my god. D: getting emotional cameron haha. get out of here, um. than theres a few of the others, they'll talk to me when other people aren't around but when im there, they just disregard me. ignore me, like i'm just another useless piece of trash lying around. they can just integrate other people in like that, ignore me whose been with them since year 7 like that. i don't know how, even.. urgh. not even going to talk about it. anyways, i'm stuck in a group of my other friends, they live closer to me anyway, they're nicer people in general, may not be the coolest, or the prettiest, but they're there for me and thats what fucking matters now. i don't care anymore, i've really lost sight of everything i've been going for. sure i'm still attempting to do this and that, oh look cameron you got top of maths in your class, woop de doo. nobody cares. do you know how hard i had to strive to make it to there? do you even give it one thought? i think about lots of things, everytime, how hard does that guy work? what does that guy do in his spare time? i wonder if that kid worries about having friends? i'm always worrying, stressing over one thing or another and no. thats just not good. no. i'm growing up, im already sixteen, too late for everything, ive missed the golden opportunities in my life, but got to keep pushing on. should've been where i am now, three years ago. san nen mae deshou?
quick post:
just finished my 1k english essay, got to memorise it now (: worst part, they should just let us hand it in. haha. :D
uh. spent 20 minutes fixing my music player.
got a new phone - sony ericsson xperia x10 mini, its pretty neat i guess :s
off to basketball!
just finished my 1k english essay, got to memorise it now (: worst part, they should just let us hand it in. haha. :D
uh. spent 20 minutes fixing my music player.
got a new phone - sony ericsson xperia x10 mini, its pretty neat i guess :s
off to basketball!

been wondering about quite a few things recently, this is meant to be the best time of my life yeah? (: high school. well mostly missed out on that, and now i think another missed opportunity just flew by. jap exchange students are here now, i am full of regret. should have paid the money to go to japan. D: its a once in a lifetime opportunity but look at me now. hehh... and its just making me feel worse about not being at a co-ed school. when a girls in the class, i can concentrate better. be better, even if they're not attractive at all. i don't know, it just makes me want to prove myself more. i look around at the guys in my school, maybe its just the type of person. my schools full of pathetic people, some tremendously sadder than me, some better off in lots of aspects.
thinking about it, people are just so fragile huh.. they get hurt physically, emotionally, live and die. its just a cycle, your born, and 99.9999% of people achieve nothing significant, im one of those people. :s even worse than that. people die so easy, disease, and killing. people are so easy to kill, so fragile, so weak. :\ when i have a kid i'm going to make him go to a proper mixed martial arts sessions so he doesn't turn into some screwed up loser. if i have one, hehh. :s just another dream. looking at myself now, i wish i could go back, stop growing up. don't want to be older. especially not really old, too much regret and reminiscence. what is life? ay.. i'm not some philsopher but these things just ponder around in my mind.
i got 95% in my maths test, best in my class, but didn't even feel one ounce bit of happiness. was actually disappointed but than looking at other people, can tell how they're thinking. alright im starting to ramble. ending this before i say something else i regret. no one can understand what i'm trying to think of now, and i can't put it into words. :D NOT NEGATIVE. don't worry. hahhhh... ok maybe partially negative, but its not bad.