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cameron woke up this morning and thought 'i really should blog about something more interesting than 5.2k+ word recounts on what i did, nobody really pays attention to that sort of stuff. they wouldn't even bother reading it they'd go , why the hell did this guy write so much! :L'
haha, i also woke up and thought that 'i should try to brighten up my blog with more colours in my texts, maybe more picture breaks that sort of stuff yeah, big blocks of text need too much imagination!' but that wasn't really what i thought when i woke up, i was thinking 'why do i have to get up , urghhh.' :L haha. did that help at all? not really. hehh. and theres nothing wrong with pink, don't hate on it.
than i thought about brainstorming what i should write about and i think i'll write about a few things, making up for all my blogposts inbetween i missed. :D
cameron's brainstorm list:
- likes/dislikes
- dreams/reality
- music?
thought maybe i should do a poll about whether i should stop using all these emoticons in the middle of my blog, whether i should try to layout it more a bit etc etc. but i realised i don't know how to poll. so i asked my good friend google. :D
- im not too tall, but im not too short. despite people who might say your a giant, blah blah, i think my heights fairly good and i'm not growing so i'm happy about that
- my hair can look alright on occasion but its more of a personal opinion
- im better off than most people in terms of everything overall
- got nothing about my personality, thats for others to decide.
- because im white i'm hairier than asians, and my hair freaking gets too wavy, i seriously dislike curly hair, it can get extremely bad especially on the sides for me, wish i just had nice asian hair like lee jun ki.
- my skins really not very nice, it gets pasty at times, and it has quite a few freckles. i guess i have less pimples than most people but its still not very nice.
- my left toenail chipped on something ages ago and it won't grow back normally! haha, its not that bad though.
- my smile, my smile can get really really bad, honestly, i don't know why people don't just go stop smiling cameron, although my teeth are straighter because of braces, its still a disgusting smile, can look really bad and my dimple doesn't help at all.
- when i say silly things repetitively, like repeating things like yeah it was. it is. i am. or.. urgh. my friend pointed me out to that, when people point you out to things you realise you do it instead of doing it unconsciously, for example say you say 'its cold' i'd say something stupid like yeah, its cold. totally useless!
- im totally shy, i'm trying to get out of it, talking to more people trying to speak more confidently, i never really admit this but i am shy around girls now. sometimes even guys. its just new people im not that good with them, people sometimes say im loud at school etc, but thats school okay, they're people i feel i can understand even though i don't like my school and would much rather go to a smart asian co-ed like ruse, its what happened, and look how i turned out, hell lot better than before though.
- i am indecisive. get it into your head. (:
- saying stupid things like when someone hits my abs, ouch my six pack. haha, would be so much better if it was true.
- i cant even dance either. :|
- little parts of my personality i just don't like, little things that after it happens i regret it almost instantly, but i guess i got to thank that i have the brain capacity to be able to realise i was wrong
- being around asian people, they make me feel more comfortable, give me that sense of ease that i don't get from most white people. they're also significantly more attractive to me, in terms of girl. maybe i'll write something on that at the end of the post.
- being able to go onto the computer, escaping from all the little troubles that i've built up over the day, forget about them and go to sleep and start afresh.
- basketball, all aspects of basketball i don't know, ever since year 7 it kept me going, at one stage when my other friends quite i wondered whether i should continue playing, but i made the right choice although i'll never be great, i've faced that and its just for enjoyable. i get excited watching nba players do amazing things, it gives me that elevated feeling inside that i can't get from other things just like that, its one of those things thats always there for me, apart from the stupid nba youtube channel says video not available in your country and than i go to worldwide and it goes to the page and says video not available. :L fat lot of help you did stupid youtube, anyways, it involves lots of my goals, in camp when i could dunk on that ring unlike anyone else around me it made me happy, i like being better than other people at something i love, its human nature. (:
- being able to make people smile, brighten up their day, because everyday actually does count, no matter how remote it may be, one thing you say to someone can make their day, if i can make someone smile genuinely just for a moment, than it just gives me satisfaction. honestly, i don't want to go help little black children in africa smile, that wouldn't give me the same satisfaction, have to be honest there, its a whole new world out there.
- looking up at the sky. when i was at the snow it was amazing, the clouds went by so fast in the wind, we were in the cloud and when it cleared in little patches you could see the full moon shining through its one of the prettiest things ive seen all year. other things like milford sound in new zealand those outstandingly pretty things just make me happy, maybe i should change this from like to what makes me happy and dislike to what annoys me, haha but they're pretty much the same thing.
- being able to lie down after an exhausting day, perhaps watch a little bit of tv, or just drop off to sleep
- watching drama/anime, i don't care what you think, oh boys can't do this, its not manly blah blah blah, no. feminists keep on blabbing about their rights, oh we're not only in the kitchen, blah blah blah, well we're not only your perception of manly, i shall do this and i shall do it and be happy about it. sometimes a good episode can bring that little bit of happiness into my day, give me that genuine smile :D its one of those things which make me happy, like when my hairs nice it makes me happy.
- you. kidding, haha. i might like you to a certain extent, but depends who you are, if you bothered to read this, than i'd probably like you. (:
- that tingling happy sensation that runs through your body when something happens.
- being able to smile properly, laugh properly and have a good day with any sort of people whether others think they're cool or not, i just want to have fun.
- my family! although they can be bad at times, each and every one of them can make me smile, they're there for me even when ive been terrible, or great. although i can't say the same for anyone outside of the people which live in my house, others care, mainly grandparents.
- music, it can give me that warm tingly sensation, although i can't sing at all, should really have put this in dislikes about myself but makes me happy when i sing a song in another language even if i have to read lyrics and i can't sing. just by myself is fine. :D im starting to use emoticons ahead - bounces head around. haha.
- people who can make me smile just hearing them say something, even over msn, or just by seeing their face, even by a picture.
- nice earrings
- playing pranks on people, like at camp if you bothered to read the one below. :L haha, watching them scared just made my day
- people to talk to, people i can say things to, people who want to play with me, people who would help me, people who invite me out to things, people who actually care about me as a person.

- people which think that basketball skills is related to throwing rubbish into to bin.
- this list really could go on forever
- when i put in my retainer and it hurts and i wake up in the morning and i wake up in the
morning feeling like p. diddy. LOL kidding, nah it just feels whacky or when i get ulcers thats even worse ahhh! - when my hairs not nice ): it just ruins my day seriously.
- being judged, ignored, barred by others, its alright to have your opinion about someone, and everyone can be hypocritical even me, some of these things i say i would most likely have done, but realise <-- thats the key word, that no. just no. sometimes im not easy to follow but thats just how i am okay.
- people who overthink about themselves, and tell other people about it. its good to be selfconscious but don't get overselfconscious. im telling this to myself too. if somebody thinks you look fine, than your fine in their eyes. don't overworry about it, once i made up my mind about someone, something, nothing can surprise me. i know your bad points, your good points, don't overwork it. i can imagine you already in your worst points, and best points. my brain works fast like that. not everyones like me though. :x thats the problem cameron.
- tripping over or kicking something and rolling over in extreme pain.
- overuse of stupid phrases, in real life and on msn, and certain phrases, and yes i am aware i use than instead of then get used to it, ive realised it and change it sometimes but than sounds better, uhh. i forgot some phrases i dont like extreme use of dots ................ or uhh.
yeah, things like that. i had a talk with someone about phrases i didn't like but i chose to forget most things about them at a time so i can't remember it. if someone typed it it would pop back into my mind. :D - i could go back and write negatives about all the things i like, but thats quite pointless.
- girls who dress up in the strangest things, put on make up and it makes them look worse, do their hair in strange ways, dolling up isn't nice.
- generalisations that halfys are hot, ive said it before and i'll say it again, no. just no. i'll give it to you that some are quite good looking, but its just not in general. you can't generalise about those things, and if you like somebody because of it thats just worse. D: no gene pool, we're not in some stupid invention of lying world. haha. thats all ill go or ill go into a rant.
- greece/turkey, and other bad experiences.
- you. bahha, alright i'll stop.
- viruses which kill my beautiful computer.
my grandpa on my mums side (asian) was talking to me today and he say 'cameron you have the small eyes and fried rice so i like you. (:' kidding, haha. :D nah, he was talking to me about guts, apparently with his asian english, he like you need the knowledge and the guts and you etc. etc.
you get the message, think he meant that i can accomplish things if i try hard. (: its true, for most things, within reason can't go too far out of reason.
realisations... i was watching inception yesterday. i'll skip all the details in my recount, i went to city and watched inception with a bunch of people i didn't know but it was surprisingly quite unawkwardish, went to kae after, than on to rice than they ate than back home. (: i'll skip this point, music was up in my likes somewhere actually don't think i finished it. alright than.


oh here we go again. (: i shall paint out a general image, first on appearance than on personality :S but note; not everything i say is true, they don't all have to be true, and girls outside of these can be cute too! HAPPY x) oh sound so corny.
appearance: preferably asian, don't mind white or black, and no offence but no curries. generally around 155-175cmish in general a bit tallers okay i guess but shorters cuter i have to admit, wouldn't want them toooo short or too tall :L preferably longish hair with a fringe, but other hairstyles look good too! and hair can always grow longer and some girls look nicer with shortish hair. :D any colours fine. preferably not too curly/frizzy though. :S -dislike. guess they'd have to have a reasonable body ._. wouldn't want someone too fat, or too thin. somewhere inbetween. other little parts don't matter too much. GOOD ENOUGH? :L want me to go on, sweet face? cute gestures? geeeeeee, haha.
personality: rather friendly, laughs appropiately? haha, not that i do. :S i don't know how to describe personality it just sort of grows, more of a talker because im not so much of a talker at the moment, likes walks on the beach? LOL hahaha kidding! i barely ever go to the beach, be themselves, kind, mean when needed :D smartish. whatever meets my fancy (: cute? raaar. hahah oh my.