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Archive for November 2009
BAM BAM. :) you like that you transformers.
i beat transformers tonight at basketball 27-26. :D
ohhh and 20.1 seconds on the clock, the balls going up the court one pass, two pass, three pass.
i catch it baseline go for the baseline drive BAM contact with the big guy. ARGHHH grabs again contact again TWO SHOTS .
3.5 seconds on the clock.
tick tock tick tock
one free throw -swish YAYYYYYYY
two free throw -swish YEYJISTWOIHETIWUOTHWIOH YESSSS -jumps into jeff.
another one of the happiest 15 seconds of my life.
weekends going to be great, don't waste it staying inside doing nothing and than
whinging about how you did nothing all weekend and you were actually extremely bored
like me (: thats a bad habit to get into. ANYWAYS, my formal photos are terrible i think
i smiled a bit too much, just a bit. -cries. i want to drink another 18 cups of coke. :)

danana transformers in disguise -sings off key. :)
unsw has this building at the end of the top of the main walkway which looks like a transformer ;o its gonna come eat all the unsw people for studying tsch. thats why you shouldnt try too hard study :L
and omg. :)isnt this piano piece so cute. here: tori no uta i know guys shouldnt be saying that but it is. I LOVE IT. pity im too noob to play it but i still keep on trying. maybe its just better after you've watched air but still its a good song, but at the end this guy plays it too loud and speeds up otherwise its pretty good, look it up some time if you have time. or maybe ill put it in my music player if i can ever find out how to put it on front of my blog instead of hiding behind the picture.
anyway, I GOT FORMAL TOMORROW, have fun guys. :)

i'll just go watch this another 10 times ;D theres other ones too which
are great but i don't think their appropriate to post.
anyway, today sat in the most boring lectures for the whole day. and tomorrow
we have to go to UNSW and than thursday to macquarie... but formal is wednesday
wish me luck that no one realises who i am. i was wondering what would happen
if i went and put like a mask on which made my face look like its been all cut up or
bleeding and than everyone was like WTF your so ugly and dont talk to me and than
i pull it off at the end. ;o i have some weird fantasies ANYWAY, WATCH IT. :)