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Archive for October 2015

everything has begun to converge at this point and so many things have happened but for some reason, time just seems to be passing... i have got to the point where my university life has finished and im supposed to be flipping over a new page of my story, my life but somethings just feel frozen to me. the things that used to be aren't the same anymore and everything seems somewhat less significant as i pass along the process of life. life is seriously too fragile.

i have been learning korean thinking that something might change, friends might appear or a wider window may appear but the days where people talked to me are long gone. the idea of all these childhood friends and high school friends and all those long talks with people, its just a distant memory. when i used to go out and drink with friends, even club, its just a distant memory. i am able to smile and laugh these days openly without some heavy weight on my shoulders but something else is still there. who knows... everything in my mind is fuzzy and stagnant.


October 29, 2015
Posted by natsukagex

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