even through the worst of times, and i mean the worst of times where you feel the worst you have ever felt in your life there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and once you emerge out of that tunnel and beat all the shit that was tying you down, clear off the junk off your back and leave it back in that tunnel, you're free and happy. i feel relieved in a way. i seriously had the worst time of my life. i brought it all on myself and i was just feeding into my own pit of sorrow and problems digging it deeper but in the end i got dragged out, when youre stuck in somewhere so long you really don't want to go out even if you know its a bad place. you know whats right and whats wrong but you feel like you didnt deserve anything good in this world. no, the reality is everyone deserves at least a bit of good in this world. everyone in this world makes mistakes, its natural but really, its cliche but what you do after the mistakes is what shows you what you are. some people avoid them, some people fight them but some people actively work to fix them and learn from their mistakes. im not saying theres a best way but i picked my best way. and with every trough comes a peak and my peak will continue rising til im dead as long as i have her in my life. its funny how all my imperfections and flaws can be looked over, how i thought i would really be stuck alone and isolated but in the end theres someone right for you. its never easy. life isn't easy. but its worth it. and i dont think i could be happier despite what else is going on in my life. just peaceful and calm. its something you really need to treasure.