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ever realised your insignificance in this world? you look around you, one person, the world almost 6.9 billion. put that into a calculator, that gives you 0.000000000145% thats how much of the world you make up and thats only with humans. you take into account everything else... and god, it just makes everything so insignificant. do you ever want more? something different than the average individual? will getting 99.95 atar help that. my cousin got 99.75 atar today, and im looking at a 90ish atar at the rate im going if i work hard, its pathetic. :\
im lost at how to look at things, do i look at them theoretically, philosophically, from a religious point of view? i just don't know anymore. but sometimes theres that one moment or one individual that defines a person. one moment.