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Archive for May 2010
made a formspring :
the end. its over, all over. - haven't posted for a few days haven't i :\ bleh, nothing much went on, i have tests next week so from after this post -> friday i won't post, shall be studying and i will probably just sit on msn incase someone talks to me and that counts as a break but at the rate it really is going def. nothing. D: gosh im a fucking loner. nobody knows me, went to musical after party yesterday and it was just a waste of my time ok. people which i normally would never even talk to / try to avoid were there... ok . just to give you an idea, jang came along but even so.. i didnt want to follow him everywhere, but still.. bleh. just sitting there sort of cold watching all these stupid white sluts smoke and fucking retards jumping/trying to shuffle to music, practically nothing to drink, and i swear that half the people just pretend to be wasted for the heck of it.
one of the girls said:
girl: hey whats your first name? [to jay]
jay: jay
girl: j what?
jay: uhh... j a y.
girl: OHHH...... hehhh... did you know that in simpsons... homer's middle name is jay too!
everyone: uh.. yeah [me thinking why the fuck would i know that]
girl: whats your last name?
jay: why do you want to know?
girl: is it kay... like J K , haha rowling! -stumbles hey guys... if you saw him rolling we'd be like
j k rowling..
-walks away.
and than some other guy was bright red and went hey cameron... i remember in year 7.. and you said your name was cadmus.. [-thinking to myself .. no i didnt] .. - continues . - walks off.
and the fat gay guy in our year who i told him i hate some time last year, and if you actually knew me i don't use the word hate much, only when something actually makes me feel sick in the stomach, this guy does but i had to be nice when he started crying and everyone was around him going up to me going... do you still hate me? - no forget about it man, its all ok.. what an act. fucking apologising to me for what? if you really cared you'd lose some weight, and don't get me wrong i don't hate all homos its just some like him make me feel sick, keep it to yourself. attention seeking at something like that... sometimes i wonder how big a hypocrite i am. human nature i guess.
yeah well pretty much that was a waste of my time, i didn't even know anyone and i only got 4 hours sleep cus of it. left when my supposed friends left, but they don't even want me there, only one which i can half trust is my best friend now :\ first of all, they don't invite me anywhere, and than the guy i sit next to in class all the time, said why the fuck are you here... fucking think his tough. fucking hell, i swear i wanted to beat the fuck out of everyone and just fucking leave. would've been easy enough, half of them weren't even in their right mind, hating it more as i think about it D: i saw people i have on facebook.. but id put $50 saying they wouldn't recognise me even if someone said my name in their face, let alone just by seeing me. heh, so pretty much waste of time. (: love my life. now i get to study - best part of the day ; lying down on my bed at 2:36 in the morning, how relaxing.
i read an article in the newspaper today about teenagers in the sunday telegraph and it said something about gaming addiction, obsession with appearance to the lengths of taking protein/steroids/growth hormones etc. how true, read through stereotypical teens like that.
-smile cameron. please.
heh. didn't do anything again today. :x should start studying for english/maths, my lifes going to down for a few weeks at least. i never have anyone to go out with - oh . and if anyone got facebook feel free to watch this
poor dhamaraj. (: hehhh. -he starts argueing in english about something - STAY BACK. :L
poor dhamaraj. (: hehhh. -he starts argueing in english about something - STAY BACK. :L

rain is slightly strange yet beautiful. it falls from high up, and people usually seek shelter from it. why hide from the rain? don't want to catch a cold? its beautiful, the unusual calmness with the air of tranquility from the clouds shadows;
was walking home today, guess what? forgot my umbrella. no worries thinks cameron after basketball walking to the station, -half wet. its alright, - catches train. hmm... looking pretty heavy outside. -looking at the window past the pretty asian girl, who was offputting cus she was talking to one of those offputting white guys which think they're tough. ; heh. always happens, not that it would make any difference. its just that beautiful people, both male and female make my day that much better, and NO im not bisexual, fuck no. if i ever even slightly think like that, someone i give you permission to punch me in the face until you slap the white out of me so im all asian. (: hah... dam people which say that.
oks, i got of the train and half a second later, soaked head to toe -thinking hope my electronics are ok D: -casually walk up stairs as people are flying by me running as if their lives depended on getting the least wet. the torrential rain ceased down a bit by the time i got to the top of my street as almost a river was pouring down my street mixed with the autumn leaves slowly dying, clumped together in little patches on the path, and river/road. about half way there my whole body was numb to the cold and all i could feel was the water in my mouth - spits it out -bleh bad tasting water.
got home, took a shower and had that strange burning feeling when your really cold than get really warm. and now blogging. (: what a happy afternoon, day after day getting better. maybe today, someone may talk to me on msn, make my day world.
OH MY GOD. the last one in this video made my laugh so hard ; like actual laugh not like a fake lol... :L gosh, i haven't laughed like that in such a long time. black people are always funny (: what a fast reaction. gosh, black people are hilarious - one of the best 1 mins of my life.

a harsh reality ; im too old to do all the happy things in life. ;s i realised just after maths when i was walking to chemistry thinking.. bleh.. miss history classes with those movies, jap classes watching anime, playing basketball every recess/lunch/morning, now people don't even bring a ball. sure its nice that we can play on the bigger court but half the time we don't even have a ball, only allowed to play inside at lunch and sometimes the freaking year 10s take it when it should be ours. what has this come down to :\
i prepared a happy birthday text yesterday for someone for next week ; one of the few peoples whos birthday i remember. hehh.. not that anyone will know who. (: and no point guessing cus i shall never tell not that its a secret ;o
orlando came back to 1-3 against boston. ;s they'll probably lose though, my wishes are with them though. dwight howard ; if you don't know his my favourite basketball player, and than lebron, but.. dwight howard . bleh. (:
been rather cold, i really should get some more clothes. i have practically nothing, and yup. (: winters arriving ;

heh. my high happyness etc. thingy died today. ;s saw something which made me sad which i shan't divulge. ; bah. and than the rest of my day was just like... worse than usual. getting worse esp at school, highlight was lunch time basketball but that always goes on too short. (: got wednesday at least i guess, i wish it was daylight savings again so i could go play -that black ball looks like a dango with wings. haha, i love clannad so much... D: when i watch it was talking to... ): FUCK.
- on a brighter note, some indian guy called me, most likely not indian... and they were like ' ... hello ' -indian accent ok. instead of just saying like like like, ill dialogue it
me: "think you got the wrong number."
them: "no i dont, dont be stupid"
me: "who are you?"
them: "what?"
me: "who are you? dont make me ask you again"
them: "sanji, you late for work"
them:"come to work, fuck you"
me: " no fuck you mother fucker. " - hang up
call #2
them: "you hang up on me?"
me: " yeah fuck you david, fuck off"
- i thought it was my friend cus i just left the classroom to 'go to the toilet'
and i got back to classroom and it def wasnt him...
call #3
-let it ring out
call #4
them:"you hang up on me? who you think you are? fuck you! suck my dick!"
me: -hang up
eventful...? no, fucking pissed me off. freaking mobile phone warriors worse than keyboard warriors cus their numbers on withheld i can't do shit, at least if they keyboard warrior me I can track down their ip... ;
yeah, thats all. (: happy days.

ehhe. :3 in a better mood today even though it wasn't eventful at all, looking back i did have quite a bit of fun and it was enjoyable, just not as much as i expected, for once i was like overestimating :L
oh well, for anyone which has seen me recently which is like no one here, i got a haircut and cut my beautiful hair off (: heh, nah its still pretty nice, its thinner. :L like a lot thinner, esp at the back. feels lighter - i can fly. haha. some korean girl with pretty hair cut my hair, but her face was so chubby, bahaha; what a happy day yes. - ^ ready for my exams coming up, - no more holding back for anything cameron, - looks forward. heh, how eventful, learning from my mistakes, moving forward and getting better ; or something along those lines (:
love you (:
ps.(thats not directed at anyone inparticular)
went to watch musical today. (: had tutoring until 5 which just sort of flew by... well not really i kept on looking at the clock saying hurry up i want to go! heh, but than it eventually ended without me learning much as usual as i slowly get less energetic as the day goes on :L uhh. than met up with people eventually, ate a bit, caught a train, than bus than went musical and than went home. dam, really not much to talk about. wish i did something after (: my parents were expecting me back 1am+ .. good job cameron. thats all really nothing to say. D: musical was pretty good. good job quanming.

is there something on my face ^o) ive been told to get a haircut about too many times in the last few days, not that i dont want a haircut. ill get one this weekend D: cut my beautiful hair, but it is too fat. i have to say, i dont like fat hair :\
oh and than i was asked am i okay? you look sad, by the teacher... when she was making me feel like a dipshit for not argueing about my bs marks sooner. i just give up now D: im falling behind in everything whether i like it or not. i try hard, i really do. i know i can try harder, but would it make much diff? if i spent every second i have free studying, i wouldnt get 100%. mm.. ):
oh and if i pass 7th grade piano im allowed to quit yay.. wish me luck for sept. not that i even practice piano anyway but tuesdays are my worst day of the week because of piano lessons.
what lovely hair anime characters have. its perfect, stays the same all the time, barely changes. p e r f e c t. oh reminded me of the manga book i found in the library with some rat fucking a girl in it. literally. whys that even in our library?
anyways, hopefully im off to watch our school musical on saturday if my friends ever get around to buying the tickets, its already wednesday... doubt we'll get good seats anyways. i dont care, i just want a day out (:
oh that reminds me of my strange dream last night... i was like in a park walking up a hill to a school and there were all these nsg's on the lawn having a picnic and stuff... etc. etc. than it suddenly turned night and i was watching a musical or something with felix and than... it ended so i was leaving along a path to a school gate with a wall on the left side with plants etc and it was completely dark but tiny bit of moonlight and than i thought i saw something go past me so i put my mobile phone up for light and i saw like a flicker and than i was like oh crap... forgot to put my shoes back on so i went back to the hall to get my shoes and everyone was dead, there was blood spluttered everywhere, half the people hanged up on the stage, around hanging by light wires, bullet holes through some still lying in their seats and than i woke up cus my dad came in and was like get up cameron. (: and than i got up and it was all dark still! because it was raining all night + all day today :L but i was like ahhh? still in my dream for about half a second but than like.. hell no. D: wish i was. much more exciting.
i told you it was strange! anyways, im off to practice piano for half an hour before my lesson. have fun (:

well, my days wasted again. i wish i just had free time, stress free all happy - dance. :\ maybe after hsc. after its all over. but ill be too old than. D: problems. despite what people say, im at the best age of my life or past it. too old to do fun things/too busy. too young to do adultish things. ;s not that id want to do adult things. bleh. just want to lie down and relax, do nothing. sit on a rooftop ;o like in a japanese school and than someone comes up and we talk, heh. i wish. no one would want to be alone with me on a rooftop ;o i wouldnt either, id probably burn. i dislike sun. not going to write up anything more, off to do jap . (:
oh. long time no post cameron, well on actually doing something! ahha. i went out for a friends birthday watched iron man 2 had dinner and came home. doesnt sound like much! but dam D: didnt get home til 9pm . i was like ;o ALREADY. D: it was pretty fun despite what i thought (:
uh ok.
now for the detailed part which you probably dont want to read but ill write it anyways because its sort of like a journal for me? :L oks. i got on the bus after school! it was likee 5-10 minutes late and than we got to willoughby girls and i was in the back seat with one of my friends and all my other friends in front and than the other guy on the backseat dogged us and went up the front so we didnt block him getting off at his stop before we got to willoughby girls where about 30 yr 9-10s came on and like 10 of them were like 'hi - my friends name next to me - ' LOL. (: ahha. ahhh... that was pretty funny. anyways i just tried to keep a straight face and look the other way;
oks, we got off at chats! went to mandarin centre... well saw some white guys from our grade going up and than got there eventually and than some guys played some initial D while some other guys came back with a freaking $27 watermelon LOL. it was like 9kg or something and it was funnn. ahha, i kept on pretending to throw it at people . okss, than we went in and watched iron man 2 and had popcorn and frozen drinksss havent done that foreverr.
nextt was dinner! wandered around for about 20 min than we decided to have a jap place in mandarin center cus we're too lazy (: but it was pretty nice! had some more fun thereee. heh..
thannnn some people brought cake so we ate that and threw away one of them ;o but still! and i kept on burning the tip of the watermelon with the matches ahha, and than cops came. (: not for us! they were just standing there watching the footy. :L
oh.. and thats about it. sounds pretty short actually ;o but it was likeee 3:15 - 9:00 ! hehh. i was going to go to their basketball game or go pc with a friend but thought that my parents might question me too much and i wasn't that eager to go but it was fun! oks. (: happy times. D: got exam on monday so it killed it.. and got bad in my creative writing :\ blehhh. coaching tomorrow! D:
flight 23- lebron james. :3
back to another day of basketball. (: i shall win today, heh. must play my hardest, seriously every time, everytime i watch them play i get.. motivated. i just want to be better, and it makes me happy and sends a happy tingle up my body ;s dont know how to explain it but honestly... it makes me happy, i wish i could play ball everyday but my left leg, elevation - my take off leg. D: its fguiafguid
days flying by one after another. ;x losing track of time but i have to do better at school too... i think the teacher has things against me, im not doing anything wrong with my work. i cant find one fucking flaw, and she gives me 17/25 for my english? she still fucking pissed at me for complaining about her, all those fucking english teachers stupid bitchs. D: pardon my swearing (: i should have done boxing for sport, i wouldve if i knew you were allowed to beat the shit out of the other person. fucking hell. want to know what its like to punch someone in the face and watch them be knocked out. is that weird? ive been called weird quite a few times lately.. :\ i guess that is a bit strange. heh. i could talk more but my fingers are getting a bit cold so no point. (:
got home, watched a bit of anime than sat at the computer not doing anything hoping someone would talk to me on msn. :\ i dont know what im really hoping for.. uhh like.. doesnt matter.
yeah, ulquiorra is a pretty neat character. (: he just wants to beat the fuck out of ichigo to make him realise his useless, and make him feel superior? isn't that what everyone wants to do.
i had quite a few cravings today, wanted to beat the fuck out of something still, umm wanted to get on my computer but the downside of being on my computer is there isnt people to keep me company.. D: not that i need people its just.. bahhhhhhhh.
anyways, i didn't do any work again, shower -> bed. lovely isnt it. (: got another basketball game again, im really not in any shape anymore D: my left shin is totally fucked up and hurts whenever i jump, should really get it looked at.. but that would be unmanly, peoples been through worse pains it just restricts my jump .. and . bah. D; i really want to get better at things, everything in general i really do.. but sometimes you just can't put the effort in, you dont know how, you think you dont know how, lots of thinking. do i want this? do i want that?... ngah.
well today was eventful anyways even though i barely remember any of it, had extended maths cus of naplan and someone got double dacked... good thing i wasnt there, i kept on teasing him. (: oh.. and than played some basketball, they keep on telling me oh cameron you can do it.. heh so good cameron. fuck no. fuck no . just fuck you. fuck fuck fuck fuck. fuck is such a useless swear word, just toss it in anywhere to make the thing more emphasised.
i just had the most overwhelming urge to beat the fuck out of someone. (: no one inparticular - and gosh that first guys singlet shouldnt be that tight to show his abs LOL. i thought he had blue skin :L strange..
oh i also had an overwhelming urge to buy a knife like asuma from naruto, shh i know narutos sad but its addictive ok. its sort of like a mix between a kerambit and a trench knife (: hehh. i could beat the shit out of someone or hit them and slice ;o its perfect, dont know why no one uses them, guess a katanas better cus its longer :L i wouldnt mind one too! its legal in Australia, well most of them anyway.
oh and if your wondering why the pictures are all stacked at the top im too crap to move them (:it mucks up my writing so yeah. haha.
think i might be going out to watch iron man 2 on friday for my 'friends' birthday, first time out with 'friends' properly since summer holidays. i never go out, nor get invited, nor have enough free time to even go if i did get invited i realised :\ need to cut down on things. realised when i saw all the most retarded people in my grade go to a party which i wasnt invited to D: its not like i get on bad terms with them, but seriously.. i probably wouldve been busy but still! god D: heartbreaking..
what else.. what else cameron.. hmm. oh yeah, i want to get leanish by the end of year 12. (: thats one aim i shall keep to. don't want to stay a weak shit forever.. hmm. i was going to say something else. oh wouldn't it be nice if you only had 3 hours sleep or close to that? go to sleep at 9:30 - 12:30 or whatever and than you have 6-7 hours before you have to get ready for school... if i had that than i seriously wouldnt be worried about school nor free time. maybe i should try, just cut down half an hour a week than eventually down to 3 hours or so? heh.. id get yelled at by my parents. cant use jetlag as an excuse this time (:
that top ones hair looks like tentacles, its so strange. (: heh, i think i have an obsession with nice hair. i think i might be starting to dream about it again. ;s anyways, im not going to have a haircut for a while.. ;x i shall cut it before it gets too fat though. haha, oh .. i cleaned my screen so its all nice and clean again. (: my screens so big, i love it. i get withdrawal symptoms if im not near my computer D: it was tough in the holidays, maybe thats why i was always so annoyed :\ just swore at anyone who bumped into me, looked at me badly etc. :L well not quite that bad, but close to it!
mothers day tomorrow - did my english assignment pretty rushed it though, oh and got another family dinner, i use to like them but im not so sure anymore, i always seem to get judged. oh. i need to get back into shape! well i shall try, i dont like being unfit or heavy, 69kg is a nice weight but i guess ill have to aim to stay around where i am now... can't be 69kg forever at my height, im not some ano although people use to call me ano D: i swear, i use to be slightly overweight until yr 8ish where i stretched up a bit more and started playing more basketball. life saver seriously.
some people have the strangest pictures on their blogs, or they just quote things sometimes i wonder if they're actual quotes :L i can make up some beautiful sounding thing too but it probably already be down as some quote somewhere if i googled it, haha. its getting colder these days, winters approaching! i love winter, so much better than summer. i really can't stand the sun... its hot, sticky, makes you sweat, gives you cancer, gives you freckles, whats good about it? but winter suns alright, not blinding and gives enough light thats all you need! and can be quite refreshingly warm at times :L that reminds me im going ski with burwood girls term 3 sometime, something to look forward to? or not. more likely not. :\ got to be more confident by then? in talking to people, not like ill go pimp out like my brother. (: hehh. my brothers not a pimp anymores, everyone ditched him when he left normanhurst and who wants to pimp out sydney girls? LOL. (: its like nsg too, gosh. D: nsb too. (: we're all unattractive nerdy asians... :\
anyways love winter + happy mothers day

and on i go, another week gone. (: i really didn't do any homework this week, nor anything much else. most nights i just sat on the computer, not talking to many people on msn or doing anything productive at all. but it was still a good week :L i got told my hair was pretty. hehh :3 that made me surprisingly happy because i know its really not, i need to get it done properly.. :\ ive thought over and over about it, one time i even had trouble sleeping and when i did sleep i dreamed about it D: i know thats a bit sad but thats that that that that. (: ahha.

i don't know what im thinking sometimes. (: sort of like now, someone came to me about help for something today and i had absolutely no idea what to say. but i didnt want to let them down and ahhhh. D:
anyways still happy that im along better with people at school i hope.. heh, no guys from my school read this i hope, otherwise they might start insulting me, not that i dont already get random insults. :L stupid, fucking retarded? uhh. and other things, its actually unnecessary sometimes.. just unnecessary. well, still fascinated by basketball, anime and other simple things that my life need. (:

i don't know what im thinking sometimes. (: sort of like now, someone came to me about help for something today and i had absolutely no idea what to say. but i didnt want to let them down and ahhhh. D:
anyways still happy that im along better with people at school i hope.. heh, no guys from my school read this i hope, otherwise they might start insulting me, not that i dont already get random insults. :L stupid, fucking retarded? uhh. and other things, its actually unnecessary sometimes.. just unnecessary. well, still fascinated by basketball, anime and other simple things that my life need. (:

ahh. D; i wonder what it would be like to be a girl and go to lots of sleepovers because girls are allowed to sleep close to one another but when guys do that its gay... not that i'd want to with a guy. :L but still!
its strange :\ i just feel like im missing out, all those times i could've had going out, doing things, sleeping over D: having fun... i just think im too old now, everybodys always 'busy' me included.
yeah... ok im done for today :L
ahh. (: i think i love anime opening songs.
basically every single ones adorable... the song..
everything about it :L hehh.
alright, ill stop now. D; still love bakadeshi's videos ; not that i watch that many. too busy doing other things because im a very busy person... - looks at my empty msn tray. hehh.
it is true, if i don't talk to them first, they don't talk to me. thats the diff between now and before. :\ sure i can talk to more people but its not as nice. prefer to talk to one person who actually talks... mm. got 23/40 for my chem avg was 16/40 and 51/60 for eco don't know what avg was. :\ probably just abv avg for everything except english and jap. if im below in those too im just going to be disappointed. D: thats all.. nothing much else to talk about unless you want to hear me talk about basketball again which i highly doubt. (:
basically every single ones adorable... the song..
everything about it :L hehh.
alright, ill stop now. D; still love bakadeshi's videos ; not that i watch that many. too busy doing other things because im a very busy person... - looks at my empty msn tray. hehh.
it is true, if i don't talk to them first, they don't talk to me. thats the diff between now and before. :\ sure i can talk to more people but its not as nice. prefer to talk to one person who actually talks... mm. got 23/40 for my chem avg was 16/40 and 51/60 for eco don't know what avg was. :\ probably just abv avg for everything except english and jap. if im below in those too im just going to be disappointed. D: thats all.. nothing much else to talk about unless you want to hear me talk about basketball again which i highly doubt. (:
hello bby cakes. :3 ahhhahha.
wasnt me. -innocent smiley face.
i just realised that is one fat tail. (: anyways, my closest friend said he wants to sleepover to dota fest ;o i haven't played in 4 months, but just to have him over ill play again, i trust i wont get addicted. :L despite watching a hilarious video of it the other day ;o id link it but none of you would probably get it so i wont bother. ahha. oh oh... they should make a facebook group for : "thinking strange things when people say 'brb shower.'" ahhhaha. its true! don't deny it, i bet you've thought at least once. not bad things ofc, just strange things. (: like what sort of shampoo they use, and how nice their hair is to touch and what it feels like running down their back LOL. ahhahahaha, ok ill stop.
anyways happy day? (: the avg for my chem theory was 47% or close to that apparently and i didnt get it back because i had a sub and i didnt get my eco back either cus i had a sub so i guess ill get it tomorrow. :\ wish me luck cameron. good luck cameron. smile cameron. (:

oh, i realised the reason i dont enjoy talking to people on msn as much as i did before D: gosh i read back on that and it looks sad. i should talk to more people in reality but yeah :\ like today i had a free second period, i studied my jap, and than i just lay down looking at the sky for 40 min trying to think of a story for english. (: gosh im sad. D: i never noticed the trees at my school, theres not many, i kept on imagining what it would be like if there were no buildings and it was a giant fun forest village. :L ahha.
oh and the reason : no body talks to me first on msn anymore, its always me starting the conversation if i have to talk to anyone. i use to be excited everytime someone says hi to me, but now.. its like :\ i use to get excited over people typing my name, saying wait etc. heh, was suspenseful, sort of was happy yes? (: well i just remembered the reason. thats all.
haven't blogged all week. missing me? :L heh.. i dont even know who bothers to read this blog. but its mainly just for me ;o theres diff types of blogs :
- ones for yourself but in that case i would put it in private so no one could read it.
- ones for yourself but you want people to read it but dont want to tell them about it
- ones for other people to read. and these come in many diff varieties. ;D
oks.. lets think. oh, i spent an hour answering the 50 question your type of girl quiz on facebook when im not even sure 80% of it was true or not. oks. thats just boring stuff D; even more boring was my lovely creative writing. i procrastinated all weekend going nah.. not going to do my jap workbook i can pretend ive done it and i did ;D gosh im lazy :\ but i did study for the test! got 100% in the one i did today, and yes i know i got 100% before i got it back arent i a genius. :L wow i a ;o looks strange. oh and i get chem and eco back tomorrow. hehh. :3 im going to beat william and be crowned genius. (: and with that comes bragging rights ! :D not that id brag about my geniusness to people because everyone who beat me would just go haha, that means im a super genius etc. D:
want to hear my english story? NO? D: what do you mean no, well bad luck. (: ahha.
it started about some guy who's whole village got massacred and he was the prince and sole survivor and he lost everyone and it hurt most to lose his brother who he looked up to and longed to be like him.
know the ending yet? :L no? than read on.
alright than he became a bounty hunter to get by and he killed hundreds and hundreds of people and he was named some weird word which was meant to be a fake language i think i wrote ' eyreia los noera' or something LOL. its meant to be symbolic and i did something slightly symbolic about him wearing a mask which was the stimulus and how its related to his killing - solitude etc. and than he found the people who attacked him as they tried to ambush him on his way back. he killed all the guys and when he got to the last tent he went in to finish them and it was his brother so he started going ' oh why cruel world :L ' etc etc. and than killed himself. like my revenge story? ;D its about loneliness and how it can drive you to do things but in the end it will kill you. thats the moral of my story! idk. ahha, i just wrote it as i went along. (:

what else. OH lebron james MVP for 2009 - 2010 congratulations king james :D hehh. still respect dwight howard and lebron james since i started watching nba and look defensive player of the year and MVP. thats right. get out of my face kobe bryant, dwayne wade who else thinks their good? carmelo anthony, nah carmelo anthonys cool and so is kobe dont like dwayne much and shaqs cool. oks. D: ill stop for that part. i think im getting worse at basketball, i played the worst game ive played in a few years on thursday :\ i tried so hard, i wanted to win but i couldnt . ahh that feeling hurts. cant wait til next season, we will win. i will make my team win, no more talk. must try harder, never give up.
ive had an increase of people talking to me, but .. i dont know if its really talking. i miss the times i use to talk talk to people who i actually enjoyed talking to a lot, not that i dont enjoy talking to the people i talk to now, its just.. not the same :\ bleh.
-dislike how facebook changed joining groups to like. whys everything like ' he was like ... she was like ..... like this ......... like like like like D: ' like is meant to be used for similarities and when you quite slightly less than love something. :L shh that doesnt make much sense but still. i feel like a hypocrite when i say that though because when im trying to tell a story and im going he said ' and than she said ' and he said ' that sounds weird D: so i tend to go he was like she was like. heh... but i dislike it! so its not hypocritical, i do heaps of things i dislike. such as... piano, well i dont dislike piano its the teacher, i dislike too many people. i just dont tell them it, just act friendly. its all bottled up inside like a little tube of caesium. (: boom. i only though that because of chem, hah.. watched caesium go into a bathtub video that was a big boom. :L
anyways, too lazy to put pictures! im done for today. not in much of a mood to blog. bye bye . -waves to computer screen
- ones for yourself but in that case i would put it in private so no one could read it.
- ones for yourself but you want people to read it but dont want to tell them about it
- ones for other people to read. and these come in many diff varieties. ;D
oks.. lets think. oh, i spent an hour answering the 50 question your type of girl quiz on facebook when im not even sure 80% of it was true or not. oks. thats just boring stuff D; even more boring was my lovely creative writing. i procrastinated all weekend going nah.. not going to do my jap workbook i can pretend ive done it and i did ;D gosh im lazy :\ but i did study for the test! got 100% in the one i did today, and yes i know i got 100% before i got it back arent i a genius. :L wow i a ;o looks strange. oh and i get chem and eco back tomorrow. hehh. :3 im going to beat william and be crowned genius. (: and with that comes bragging rights ! :D not that id brag about my geniusness to people because everyone who beat me would just go haha, that means im a super genius etc. D:
want to hear my english story? NO? D: what do you mean no, well bad luck. (: ahha.
it started about some guy who's whole village got massacred and he was the prince and sole survivor and he lost everyone and it hurt most to lose his brother who he looked up to and longed to be like him.
know the ending yet? :L no? than read on.
alright than he became a bounty hunter to get by and he killed hundreds and hundreds of people and he was named some weird word which was meant to be a fake language i think i wrote ' eyreia los noera' or something LOL. its meant to be symbolic and i did something slightly symbolic about him wearing a mask which was the stimulus and how its related to his killing - solitude etc. and than he found the people who attacked him as they tried to ambush him on his way back. he killed all the guys and when he got to the last tent he went in to finish them and it was his brother so he started going ' oh why cruel world :L ' etc etc. and than killed himself. like my revenge story? ;D its about loneliness and how it can drive you to do things but in the end it will kill you. thats the moral of my story! idk. ahha, i just wrote it as i went along. (:
what else. OH lebron james MVP for 2009 - 2010 congratulations king james :D hehh. still respect dwight howard and lebron james since i started watching nba and look defensive player of the year and MVP. thats right. get out of my face kobe bryant, dwayne wade who else thinks their good? carmelo anthony, nah carmelo anthonys cool and so is kobe dont like dwayne much and shaqs cool. oks. D: ill stop for that part. i think im getting worse at basketball, i played the worst game ive played in a few years on thursday :\ i tried so hard, i wanted to win but i couldnt . ahh that feeling hurts. cant wait til next season, we will win. i will make my team win, no more talk. must try harder, never give up.
ive had an increase of people talking to me, but .. i dont know if its really talking. i miss the times i use to talk talk to people who i actually enjoyed talking to a lot, not that i dont enjoy talking to the people i talk to now, its just.. not the same :\ bleh.
-dislike how facebook changed joining groups to like. whys everything like ' he was like ... she was like ..... like this ......... like like like like D: ' like is meant to be used for similarities and when you quite slightly less than love something. :L shh that doesnt make much sense but still. i feel like a hypocrite when i say that though because when im trying to tell a story and im going he said ' and than she said ' and he said ' that sounds weird D: so i tend to go he was like she was like. heh... but i dislike it! so its not hypocritical, i do heaps of things i dislike. such as... piano, well i dont dislike piano its the teacher, i dislike too many people. i just dont tell them it, just act friendly. its all bottled up inside like a little tube of caesium. (: boom. i only though that because of chem, hah.. watched caesium go into a bathtub video that was a big boom. :L
anyways, too lazy to put pictures! im done for today. not in much of a mood to blog. bye bye . -waves to computer screen