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// Posted by :natsukagex
// On :August 29, 2009
eventful stuff. (:
theres a lot of eventful stuff you can talk about, but ill just stick on blogging about... -thinks- ... ohh, wait.. D: its coming to me. schools pretty general . you know in school theres teachers right.. -everyone reading nods- . WELL, the other day, me and my friend were sitting in maths being bored about the teacher talking about functions and inverse functions and stuff, its pretty simple stuff yeah. and my friend starts eating a banana and he finishes it and chucks it out the window and unfortunately for him the maths staffroom was on the otherside of the 2nd story building and a teacher was looking out of the window when he chucked his banana peel out and he rushes over into our room and starts abusing him and he whacks him on the head a couple of times. haha and we didn't realise he saw it and we thought the banana peel landed on his head when we chucked it out and we were laughing our heads off until we realised the maths staffroom was across the thingy.. we're pretty sad . (: emotional stuff;
well i have to say, clannad is my favourite anime of all time, it clicked with me somehow, even made me cry a couple of times not that i'd like to mention that but i will anyway. i made this story based on it for english and the teacher gave me such a bad mark for it when i put in the most effort in a story ive ever put in, i was ringing with my emotions too. just pacing away and it was so perfect i don't know why the teacher had to give me those sort of marks :/ put me average in the class.
less of more emotional stuff ? :/
well, my life is pretty dull love wise, never had someone who i could be myself with, even with friends too, maybe thats just how things meant to be. anyway, i've watched a lot of anime and dramas, mainly jap and korean, CHINESE ONES ARE TOO LAME, sorry you asians. (: only good chinese ones are kung fu. :D WELL, theres a few animes which get you really emotional and into the story line, same with dramas, they are the only things which get me close to crying anymore sort of died out when i get older. the opening song of one of these dramas motivates me everytime i watch it and the music of other ones, but than it dies out as i sort of forget about it, for some reason i can't keep the song in my head maybe my imagination is dieing out too. theres all these things which i can't put into words, and i wouldn't want to tell anyone anyway, but i want to in a way, ever get that feeling? -uh. i love emotional things, unless its a negative emotion like anger. thats pretty painful at times. and ive had some painful times in my life :/ but, once you've been through it, you won't make the same mistakes again, you should learn from your mistakes, move on and make your life better, don't give up like some lazy thingy.. im bad with words :/ i don't usually tell people that because they think im pretty good at typing and stuff but its not true, peoples perceptions of things aren't always what the person is inside, well for most people anyway. well i'm blabbing on im not even sure if my sentences are making sense, ill just stop than for now, maybe one day ill be able to get it out of me.

well i have to say, clannad is my favourite anime of all time, it clicked with me somehow, even made me cry a couple of times not that i'd like to mention that but i will anyway. i made this story based on it for english and the teacher gave me such a bad mark for it when i put in the most effort in a story ive ever put in, i was ringing with my emotions too. just pacing away and it was so perfect i don't know why the teacher had to give me those sort of marks :/ put me average in the class.
less of more emotional stuff ? :/
well, my life is pretty dull love wise, never had someone who i could be myself with, even with friends too, maybe thats just how things meant to be. anyway, i've watched a lot of anime and dramas, mainly jap and korean, CHINESE ONES ARE TOO LAME, sorry you asians. (: only good chinese ones are kung fu. :D WELL, theres a few animes which get you really emotional and into the story line, same with dramas, they are the only things which get me close to crying anymore sort of died out when i get older. the opening song of one of these dramas motivates me everytime i watch it and the music of other ones, but than it dies out as i sort of forget about it, for some reason i can't keep the song in my head maybe my imagination is dieing out too. theres all these things which i can't put into words, and i wouldn't want to tell anyone anyway, but i want to in a way, ever get that feeling? -uh. i love emotional things, unless its a negative emotion like anger. thats pretty painful at times. and ive had some painful times in my life :/ but, once you've been through it, you won't make the same mistakes again, you should learn from your mistakes, move on and make your life better, don't give up like some lazy thingy.. im bad with words :/ i don't usually tell people that because they think im pretty good at typing and stuff but its not true, peoples perceptions of things aren't always what the person is inside, well for most people anyway. well i'm blabbing on im not even sure if my sentences are making sense, ill just stop than for now, maybe one day ill be able to get it out of me.
less general stuff? (:
oh i have these wireless headphones right, and they pick up the weirdest things, mainly my brothers stuff, i just put them on and it starts playing all this weird music, my brothers pretty weird anyway. well, just if you want to know, the word for weird in japanese is hen. THATS WEIRD IN ITSELF, i was trying to type it in japanese but my language bars mucking up D:totemo kaze ga arimasu. D: im just walking around outside playing basketball and theres this massive wind blowing the trees 5m across. BUT I STILL PLAYED, im a good boy i need practice to get better like lebron. (:

well, im just sitting at my computer not knowing what to do and i thought i may as well blog my second post so it doesnt look so empty when i press the tab at the top of my page. well since theres nothing else to blog about ill just blog about my basketball games.
i had two this week and both teams were completely aggresive SO AGGRESSIVE IT WASNT FUNNY. the first team we played were all huge white guys and one black guy who had crazy hops, and at the start of the game when we were warming up i looked over and they were all doing these crazy dunks, 360, reverse etc. and than i realised the ring was lowered over a foot. D: silly me ANYWAY, in the game they were swearing at me, and i was swearing at the ref so on, and we lost but its ok because my team needs to learn.
the second game we had there were these crazy asians.. even worse than the other day except with less mouthing off they kept on trying to push me and swearing at me but i ignored them and me and my team which is better than the other team WON. yay! (:
oh yeah, my assignments are stacking up and i got school certificate and yearlies coming up so i better study hard. i tried to do my assignment this afternoon but i ended up only doing the title page and contents page . :/